Chapter 66

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Since it had watched a lot of TV shows and news, now Grr wasn't like before where it would take half a day to understand a human sentence, so he understood the meaning of He YunTing's words instantly, and nervously closed his eyes, burrowing into Lin Han's arms.

Lin Han nudged He YunTing while coaxing him, "That's enough, there's no need to know everything so well."

He YunTing nodded, but he still wanted to make a statement on the issue, "I'm just making a reasonable suggestion, if you want to read it."

Lin Han was unconsciously led into a ditch by him, as he said, "...And when you were susceptible before, you were wearing a shirt and I could read your mind when I hugged you."

"That's because my hair is not as thick as its." He YunTing gave Grr a bland look.


Lin Han felt that he couldn't just argue with him, it was pointless.

The interesting thing was that He YunTing would actually waste time on such a boring topic, Lin Han himself didn't expect it. The little one was still shivering, its fur was standing up in fear, and it even made a small, sharp sound, like an accusation against some brutal and cold-blooded General.

Lin Han hugged it tighter, and simply didn't know how to describe this person, "Okay, okay, stop talking." He reassured the frightened Grr, "Don't be afraid. I won't shave you."

Grr gradually calmed down under Lin Han's gentle reassurance, even though he saved its fur, it still didn't want to look at He YunTing. As matters stood, this man and ball couldn't be reconciled in a short time.

Lin Han thought about it and told Grr, "If you're really unhappy, just bite him to relieve your anger."

The little one really listened to this sentence, blinking at Lin Han, as if to confirm the feasibility of this sentence. Before Grr could think it over, Lin Han looked up and saw He YunTing's slightly unhappy expression.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Han put out a hand to touch him, knowingly asking.

He YunTing seemed to be still trying to adjust his facial expression, "It's not like you can't hear."

He couldn't help but laugh, He YunTing obviously had a cold look now, but in his heart he was like a teenager, whispering: Why was he so gentle when coaxing Grr?

"You're also jealous of the little one." Lin Han pretended to be surprised and pursed his lips to look at him. He remembered his meeting with Wen TianYao, the way the other touched his face and said he had a cleanliness fetish. Instead of hearing Wen TianYao's thoughts, he listened to He YunTing's aggravated inner monologue.

The more he thought about it now, the more interesting he found it.

He YunTing wanted to deny it, but understood that it was useless to deny it, he had no secrets in front of Lin Han, and finally could only continue with a cold face, not saying a word. Grr finally decided to take advantage of the courage given by Lin Han to bite He YunTing, shaking its fur in anger, lifting its face to look at Lin Han, ready to pounce on him to let He YunTing learn the lesson.

Lin Han nodded at its small, almost invisible nose hidden in the soft fur and added, "But bite gently. Or I'll be heartbroken."

It took Grr about fifteen minutes to finally understand the relationship between Lin Han and He YunTing now. They were different from the dogblood drama on TV, this Alpha wasn't fierce and rough to Lin Han, and Lin Han also didn't treat him indifferently, but would respond with a light smile, either a little subtle gesture, or a gentle hug.

Looking at the doubt in Grr's small eyes, Lin Han pondered for a long time, "Next time we should let you watch less of this bitter drama."

Grr, "?"

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