Chapter 22

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The next day Lin Han was woken up by the first military call in the morning of the base. Although the room provided to him was as luxurious as a private apartment, Lin Han had trouble with the bed and didn't sleep too well all night, and finally fell asleep as if he was caught in a nightmare.

After waking up from last night's dream, he couldn't remember much, he only felt that something was chasing him desperately. He tried to run forward, but because of his poor physical strength he had been caught by the horrible monster behind him. He couldn't call for help, he could only watch himself being swallowed by the darkness.

Lin Han propped his hand on his forehead, slowly forgetting this disgusting feeling of the unknown. He looked around the unfamiliar room and remembered that he had arrived at the base.

Lin Han thought back to what happened yesterday, and almost immediately thought of the "Generals Special".

He YunTing he...

When he thought of this, Lin Han's expression became mixed again, and the tiredness of the nightmare was dispelled.

He simply didn't know how to evaluate He YunTing.

Lin Han even imagined how he would see the other side if he didn't have the ability to read minds. But he thought for a long time without a clear answer.

He simply got up and got ready to start his day's work.

And at the other end of the command room, Lu AnHe first knocked politely on the door, and there was no answer inside, "Boss, are you there? I've been looking for you all morning."

There was no reply.

Lu AnHe dialed He YunTing's internal line, and after a long time, the connection was picked up and Lu AnHe asked, "Boss?"

It was impossible for He YunTing to be up late and not in the command room at this time. He didn't speak, and Lu AnHe only heard a little breathing sound. He looked astonished, remembering the hint of smell that he smelled when he left yesterday.

A bad feeling arose, and Lu AnHe barely hesitated, increased his stride and went in the opposite direction.

He was really negligent.

——He YunTing's susceptible period has arrived.

Lin Han especially didn't get the "General Special" today, after eating lunch, he stayed in the room and didn't go out, just continued to study the drawings alone, sitting at the table writing and drawing. Just as he was about to take a break, there was a knock at the door.

"Is Mr. Lin here?" It was Lu AnHe's voice.

Lin Han walked over to open the door and saw Lu AnHe standing at the door with a smile on his face and a pile of snacks in his hand.

"How are you getting used to living here?" Lu AnHe nodded with his chin at the things in his arms, "This is all my room's private collection, afraid that you find the base too boring, I 'smuggled' a little to you."

Lin Han took it and said thanks, Lu AnHe waved his hand to show that he didn't mind.

"There is a two-day rest period after the first round of selection, so you may be a little busy then," Lu AnHe said, "I'll keep Mr. Lin company for a chat?"

Lin Han invited him in and poured a glass of water for Lu AnHe.

Lu AnHe had a good personality, spoke interestingly, and could find topics, so Lin Han had no pressure to get along with him, and it was easy to keep the conversation flowing.

"By the way, let me tell you some gossip," Lu AnHe said, "Today a newcomer in the battalion almost tore up his teammate when his susceptibility period arrived. That person is still young, they almost didn't realize, but fortunately the next instructor found out early, pulled him away in time, and he's now in isolation."

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