Chapter 6

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"Boss... I mean, General." Having witnessed everything, Lu AnHe shuddered and opened his mouth.

General He tasted caramel for the first time in his life and used licking, chewing, etc. quite meticulously to determine that this was the sweet aroma he had smelled before. He put down the spoon and glanced at Lu AnHe indifferently, "?"

Lu AnHe looked at him like he was about to die, "Is the creme brulee good?"

Has his boss finally decided to change his face, give up his puritanism and decide to embrace the good life?

"It's okay." He YunTing said coldly, as if he wasn't the one who had just asked the other for two.

Lu AnHe observed that the second creme brulee General He had only cracked open and tasted the surface, eating only the top and continued to ask, "Is this one good?"

"It's okay." The General's tone remained calm and unruffled, but his eyes paused for a moment after touching where Lu AnHe was pointing, and then questioned, "What's this?"

"..." Lu AnHe was dumbfounded for a long time before he answered, "Caramel."

A general of the empire, who owned Selna Manor, could drive the highest class mecha of the empire, participated in countless battles, and was highly decorated, had actually only heard about caramel for the first time at his own celebration. Lu AnHe thought, if this matter was told to others, it would be lucky if one out of a thousand people would be willing to believe it.

"It's so-so." After getting the answer, He YunTing continued to give an answer that was the same as the previous question.

Lu AnHe gave an "Oh", thinking that his boss was still the same person who ate everything with the same taste. Boring.

"Get another one for me." He YunTing, who had just commented that it was okay, spoke again.

Lu AnHe: ?

Didn't you say it was so-so?

He took the tray and stood up, ready to get a few more creme brulees for his leader, and while he was at it, he also got himself some more desserts.

When he came back, he saw a man with half-white hair, dressed in fine clothes, raising his glass and leaning towards He YunTing.

Lu AnHe wasn't surprised and greeted him, "Hello Mr. Jiang."

The man called Mr. Jiang warmly nodded to Lu AnHe and approached He YunTing again, "I just arrived, General it was a great victory so I specially came to toast."

He YunTing wasn't moved, only raised his chin imperceptibly, his expression was almost a little light-hearted.

He seemed to be accustomed to He YunTing's cold attitude when dealing with compliments, and his enthusiasm didn't wane as he continued to talk, "I heard that this time, the fight against the Star Pirates was a great success, and if the General hadn't come out, it might have been a long time before the surrounding small planets were deemed safe."

He YunTing didn't even give him a look this time.

Lu AnHe, a professional in picking up the pieces, raised his glass, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your kindness. Then I'll drink for the General."

"Lieutenant Colonel Lu is very kind." He naturally followed the cue given by Lu AnHe, drank the wine in his hand, and then smoothly began to praise Lu AnHe, "You're also a young talented man with a good appearance, the Empire is lucky to have people like you, so we can enjoy peace at home in peace, and the General can also recuperate for a while longer..."

Before the words were finished, a slightly sarcastic voice came from the side again, "Yo, Mr. Jiang is here to toast again."

Lu AnHe turned around and responded with ease, "Ah, if it isn't Mr. Luo..."

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