Chapter 13

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As everyone all knew, the General's Lieutenant Colonel Lu AnHe had an extremely powerful defensive mecha, named 'Aegis Shield.'

The mecha's arms and legs were slightly shorter, but its body was longer and heavier. It might not have been as powerful as other S-class mechas in combat, but it could erect the strongest light curtain barrier from its body in defense. And now its owner, carrying its key, was nestled in the second mecha base unification department, shivering.

Behind He YunTing was a complex and sophisticated operating table, a sub-screen switch showed a variety of combat images. He spread his hands on the table, leaning forward, looking down from above at Lu AnHe, who was shrunken in a swivel chair, his blue eyes reflecting the young lieutenant's terrified face.

"Boss! I have sweated for the Empire! I have shed blood against the Zerg! You can't just turn your back on me like that!"

"I know." General He affirmed to the adjutant's statement, "Just scrape it a little."

"I know it's due for its annual inspection! But it really doesn't need to be repaired!"

"It's guaranteed not to affect any function," the General added warmly.

"But there's been training lately! I have to use it!" Lu AnHe was still stubbornly resisting.

He YunTing broke it down mercilessly, "You can't use this one for training."

Lu AnHe hid the key in his hand and resisted, "No, Boss! Aegis is the other half of me! My other half, do you get it? Borrowing it is the same as borrowing your wife!"

He YunTing raised his eyebrows.

Lu AnHe strained his neck, "Really! Just like you and Lin Han—"

He stopped the car immediately in the middle of his sentence.

He YunTing's half-raised eyebrows wrinkled.

Lu AnHe realized what he had said, but after all, he couldn't take it back, so he could only continue to protect his own keys and wait for his boss to give him the go-ahead.

"Then—" He YunTing deliberated for a moment and was about to continue giving orders.

The result was that he was just about to continue to speak, when Lu AnHe sighed, "I'll go, I'll go! I'll make an appointment with Mr. Lin for you! But you're not to lay a hand on my Aegis!"

Lt. Col. Lu was sad.

He YunTing had entered Lin Han's office, and only after the draft had been invalidated did he come up with the impromptu phrase 'Lu AnHe's mecha is also broken,' which resulted in Lin Han looking at him strangely for half a day and saying "Oh! Really?" He YunTing was naturally satisfied and waited for the word, "Okay."

Lu AnHe, who was glad that his baby had finally escaped the clutches of the demon, was in tears.

His Boss's satisfaction was his greatest satisfaction, but Lieutenant Colonel Lu cherished his mecha like a wife and hid the key, and only then turned around to said, "Boss! I still have a question I've been wanting to ask."

He YunTing looked at him sideways, his eyes puzzled.

"Why do you want to invite Mr. Lin?"

And using my mecha being broken is a lame excuse.

He YunTing pursed his lips and didn't say anything.

Lu AnHe's eyes looked serious, not like a casual question mixed with curious gossip.

It was almost as... If He YunTing said "love at first sight", then the adjutant would leave to complete the military orders knowing nothing was the same.

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