Chapter 39

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Lin Han felt the breathing of the person in his arms gradually calming down.

He YunTing was a little uncomfortable when he first embraced him, but he regained peace in Lin Han's lean arms. So he also stopped making noises, and, for the first time, tried to use a dependent position with him.

I can't take the weight off my shoulders, but I would like to draw peace in your warmth. From now on, you and I are different from others, no one knows that we have a secret that we share on this night.

Gradually, Lin Han's ears also became quiet, only the other's strong and steady heartbeat remained — he knew, He YunTing finally stole a moment of leisure.

No more questioning himself all the time, no more dwelling on the various rights and wrongs that plagued him.

At this moment he belonged to him and to himself.

The posture of He YunTing's arms around him wasn't weird, but had a sacredness that could not be desecrated.

Lin Han also stopped talking. No one would come to disturb them at this moment, as if they could embrace each other like this, in the silence they gained comfort, in the darkness of the night they felt hope.

Even though he knew that by pushing open the door, He YunTing would still have to face the anxious situation, and even though he tried to remain neutral, he couldn't avoid the tumultuous political struggle.

Even if the tears never end, even if Redberry could no longer bloom.

Even if the night was endless, it was still short.

He YunTing returned to his old coldness the moment he left, but when Lin Han looked at him, he seemed different from before — that meant the hug was effective.

Lin Han thought, that's enough. He smiled at He YunTing first, "If General feels tired, he can come to me." His eyes swept over the hands that remained warm, "And no more polite handshakes with me — you can hold it whenever you wish."

If this could share even a little of He YunTing's sadness...

He YunTing seemed stunned for a moment and raised his eyes to look at him.

"You don't have to think about anything, or care about what's next to you," Lin Han said with a tilt of his head, "If the General thinks that would be better... Don't ask me, you can grab my hand anytime you want."

Perhaps it was the long hug that brought them closer together, and Lin Han felt the urge to say 'Smile, He YunTing.'

But he soon felt that he had overstepped the mark and withdrew the idea.

"Thank you." He YunTing only replied with these two words, which also seemed to be a tacit agreement to what Lin Han said before.

Lin Han tilted his head to look at this always cold face, and that thought he had just now had become more and more vivid, and he couldn't hide it.

He wanted to see him smile.

He must look good when he smiles, it must be different from everyone else.

There must be an opportunity to see it.

The day would come when it happened.

Lin Han thought all of this.

He YunTing left the observation room and went back to his work as if he wasn't tired, or as if the hug he had just given him had given him renewed strength.

Lin Han briefly got some sleep and returned to the captain's room to find some people arguing.

Lu AnHe's voice came over the communicator, "We just contacted the Oddbound Biosystem, they said the weather is bad these days, visibility is extremely poor, and besides... We've just had a change of heart in the border area, and their advice is that the exercise can no longer continue."

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