Chapter 57

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The time on the road wasn't too difficult. Qi Jiamu was already a man of few words, piloting a mecha by himself, and with his brother's business, conversations on the communicator was almost nil, only opened when necessary.

He YunTing only contacted Lu AnHe once during the official departure, after all, as long as they didn't return safely to the Empire, it was useless to say anything. The two simply exchanged basic information, Lu AnHe gave an address, saying that if they could successfully reach the territory, they would make plans then.

Lu AnHe was careful, and considered Lin Han when arranging each batch of rescue mecha, bringing along a lot of nutrients, but due to that last struggle, only Qi Jiamu was left in the end. The mecha carrying supplies was targeted during the first encounter, and still couldn't avoid being blown up.

Lin Han was still unable to recover his mental strength, and spent the next few days resting alone in the second cockpit with Grr in his arms. In addition to the special nutrition for Omega, Qi Jiamu's mecha also had other prepared space food, which was better than eating those things that didn't taste good.

The return trip took two or three days, and the group barely rested, but Lin Han was fine, as he couldn't operate the mecha and could catch up on sleep during the trip. He YunTing didn't seem to feel tired, and as long as he said he was going to leave, Qi Jiamu wouldn't complain and would follow him.

The only one who didn't feel so good was probably Grr. He was still sad, still upset, and lost almost all his energy on the first day of the return voyage, as if he was crying, or just dazed.

Even though He YunTing wasn't going at full speed this time, Grr's seasickness couldn't be cured in such a short time, so Lin Han had to hold him in his hand, feed him water, stroke his fur, and talk to him.

At first, Lin Han blamed himself, even if Grr wanted to come with them voluntarily, he shouldn't have brought him up here without considering him at all. He looked at the poor little furball trembling in his palm and apologized to it all the time.

Grr understood Lin Han's sentiments after a while. In Lin Han's gentle apologies, although it was still dizzy and uncomfortable, it still tried to hold up its tiny body and chose to rub itself to Lin Han's palm again and again. It seemed to be telling him that no apology was needed and that he didn't need to blame himself so much.

Grr was even afraid that Lin Han would be upset and tried to stick out his soft tongue and gently licked his palm. Lin Han didn't know why Grr liked him so much, yet he eventually fell into the tenderness of this little creature.

Lin Han originally thought that his young self had taken a lot of love from his mother, and that this love would be able to support him to do many things he wanted to do and stay strong. And now this light and airy little blob seemed to be telling him that he was loved and that there was other love waiting for him that he could reach out for.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but look over at He YunTing who was close by. He was resting against the driver's seat, his brow still furrowed, as if there were many things haunting him even in his dreams.

Lin Han took advantage of this time to boldly observe him. He YunTing lost weight, Lin Han thought. His brow bones were already high, making his gaze deep all the time, and this time of exertion had made his brow and eyes even more severe, almost making Lin Han doubt that one smile that existed at his fingertips.

If he still had his mind-reading skills, would he be able to know what he was struggling with right now?

Could he help him? Would he accept it? When would he be able to smile again?

Lin Han, filled with such concerns, was a bit lost in thought and didn't notice that He YunTing's body moved as he gradually woke up. When Lin Han reacted, He YunTing was also staring at him.

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