Chapter 40

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After a second of absolute silence, the entire battleship was swept up in an uproar.

Zerg were an unimaginably strange existence in the theory of evolution. In addition to a few Zerg who had evolved to have human intelligence, they were also divided into various species; the most common were sand worms, hard shelled mealybugs, water worms, multi-winged worms, drill worms with reproductive ability or parasitic ability... And many more species that couldn't even be named.

Even if some of the highest level of Zerg had the ability of independent thinking, their nature was absolutely violent.

The one in front of them was undoubtedly one of the giant mechanical sand worms with a danger level of SS.

Their limbs had become as hard as steel with sharp limb ends, and its body was filled with poison. A normal human simply couldn't survive a single hit.

Zerg with the word giant were more than ten times the size of normal Zerg, and some giant mechanical sandworm limbs even ignored the normal size of steel, could pass through the metal made by these humans to resist them, and pierce the heart of a mecha.

All Zerg could be defeated on one condition and one condition only — by the destruction of their brains.

Some had a near-perfect regenerative ability, and even if they cut off their sensitive tentacles and limbs, they could regenerate and continue to fight as long as their brains weren't destroyed.

The special alarm was blaring piercingly. The giant sandworm had a leisurely gait, as if announcing its arrival, and was now slowly approaching them with its ghastly limbs, raising the yellow sand with every step.

"The ship's defense system has been turned on, P-1 nuclear particle beam cannon... The only one stored in the most critical situation." Ye Ling's expression was gloomy, while checking the ammunition and weapons stocked on the battleship. Since their initial purpose was only practical training and exercises, although conventional ammunition was naturally essential, the strategic level particle nuclear bomb couldn't be loaded. After all, no matter who, beforehand, they wouldn't have expected the presence of Zerg here.

But now wasn't the time to think about this.

"Ready the electromagnetic cannon energy storage." He YunTing ordered, turning his head in the meantime to glance at the monitoring of the ship's cabin where the recruits were. Many of them had also noticed the anomaly and even started to get nervous.

Many of them were new recruits to the base, and even though the three rounds of selection had proven them to be much better than the norm as prospective pilots, very few had seen the Zerg in person.

Some people began to sit still, but because the sandworm hadn't fully approached yet, they couldn't see it clearly through their portholes, and could only sit in place anxiously, and mumble something under their breath.

"Beauty-2 electromagnetic cannon charging complete."

"All main guns ready."

The entire captain's room and the next level of the command module were still calm and began to deploy the combat approach one by one, and Ye Ling even added, "'Beauty-2 ready to fire."

Lin Han, also seeing the Zerg for the first time, gradually calmed down after the initial shock, and although his eyes were still staring at the giant bug, he found himself not having as much fear as he thought.

The giant mechanical sandworm's armor was so hard that ordinary grenades couldn't do much damage, and as everyone began to prepare for the attack, the door was suddenly knocked on sharply.

This time certainly no blind sergeant would come up directly to ask for instructions, and everyone could guess who it was.

He YunTing's face couldn't help but be a bit colder.

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