Chapter 62

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He YunTing usually gave the impression of being cold and rigid, with flat lips and an apathetic aura. But when he took action, he was almost reckless and impulsive, as if he had been holding back for a long time, until his love couldn't be hidden and overwhelmed the other.

His tie was caught by Lin Han, half hanging. His clothes were no longer meticulous and wrinkle-free, and even now his movements had become fierce, but he still looked very handsome, and his eyebrows were furrowed with a strong and pathos of deep emotion.

Everyone was proud of him, the news sang his praises all day long, he was like the sun that would never be dusted, always heroic and strong, never falling. But no one knew his fragility, no one thought that their sun could also be sad, would also be in a deserted room, hesitating, sinking in his heart, before having a calm and composed look.

Lin Han wondered if he hadn't happened to come over, and He YunTing hadn't had the chance to say those words after such a bloody denial — would he have gotten such a response.

People only loved the sun, but they didn't care that even the sun could be timid and uncertain in front of their lover.

Lin Han was held so tightly by him for the first time that he didn't want to think about anything else for a while, only feel the other's breath from his nostrils and trembling lips.

This was hardly a kiss, because He YunTing was directly biting him — he bit Lin Han's lower lip. Since the action was too impatient, they even knocked teeth, but he didn't stop. He nibbled several times on his sweet lips before slowly trying to calm down, but because of the lack of rules, he was busy continuing to press his lips against Lin Han's. For a few seconds, he didn't continue to move.

Lin Han was held by him against the door, and he even forgot to shed tears, his mind finally sorting out the current situation after a short blank. But he had just cried a little too hard, and even though he tried not to be embarrassed, the sobbing didn't stop immediately. So Lin Han's shoulders rose and fell very lightly because of the sobbing, as their soft lips brushed against each other's, brushing against He YunTing's chin.

He YunTing then moved away a little like he was just waking up from a dream.

The two of them stared at each other.

Lin Han saw his own face in He YunTing's blue eyes. He now looked a little stupid, the corners of his eyes and cheeks were covered in tear marks. An Omega's body was already more delicate than normal, and his lower lip became more red than the surrounding color because it was bit by He YunTing. Lin Han blinked and held his breath.

He didn't repeat the question he had just asked, perhaps he had already learned the answer from He YunTing's actions, perhaps the sadness in the other man's eyes was so heavy that Lin Han couldn't even say anything. He wasn't unwilling to love him, nor was he unwilling to kiss him.

Lin Han's heart was pinched hard, as he, at this moment, understood all the other's uneasiness and hesitation. He obediently didn't struggle, only reached out and wrapped his hand around the other's back, comforting him as they had done during their first embrace.

"Don't cry." He YunTing finally spoke, his voice was deeper than the night, dry and low, "I'm sorry."

Lin Han's arm hugging him paused for a moment, then added some strength.

Even now, He YunTing was still apologizing to him.

Even though Lin Han was almost brutally unreasonable in saying what was once on the other's mind, even though He YunTing didn't do anything wrong at all, he still wasn't confident and was apologizing to Lin Han.

He YunTing was confident and conceited on many occasions, but became humble and cautious when facing him. Lin Han didn't know what He YunTing had been through all these years to become what he was now, keeping all his emotions in his heart, deep inside. He never owed anyone, but in the end he couldn't even have love.

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