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(Cataleya Sienna Winters)
Trigger warning!!!

As my consciousness gradually returns, I find myself engulfed in a pounding ache within my skull. My attempts to raise my hands to soothe the pain are futile, for they are bound tightly together behind me. Panic surges through my veins, transforming my every breath into a shaky gasp, as I strain against the restraints, desperate to free myself from this confining chair.

My anxiety amplifies with each passing moment, and as my surroundings come into focus, I find myself within the confines of an office. The room, cluttered with stacks of papers and neglected books, exudes an air of neglect and disarray, leaving me with a gnawing sense of trepidation.

Suddenly, the door creaks open, revealing the entrance of a strikingly handsome gentleman. A mix of captivation and fear courses through me as I lay eyes upon him, for it is he who kidnapped me and thrust me into this bewildering ordeal. His commanding presence sends tingles of uncertainty and intrigue down my spine, leaving me momentarily breathless in his presence.

Approaching me with the grace of royalty, he declares that we are mates, his voice carrying a dialect that adds depth and charm to his already captivating demeanor. "You are my mate," he pronounces, his voice resonating with an authority that hints at his position as Alpha Leonardo. The weight of his claim settles heavily upon me, shattering the fragile foundation of my understanding.

Confusion dances with disbelief within the chambers of my mind as I struggle to comprehend how the man who snatched me away could now assert his dominion as my mate. The power he exudes is palpable, his very being radiating an aura of danger and allure that simultaneously draws me in and repels me.

In a tremulous voice, I mustered the courage to question him, my words weighed down by a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. "Who are you? Why have you kidnapped me?" I inquire, longing to unravel the enigma of my captor.

A sigh escapes his lips, his expression betraying a hint of remorse. "I am Alpha Leonardo.” he replies, the richness of his dialect enchanting my senses. “and as i said, i am your mate”

My heart leaps with a flicker of hope as Alpha Leonardo's rich voice fills the room, anticipation mingling with fear within me. "I'm really sorry,” he said.

I didn't understand. What is he sorry for? Is it because he kidnaped me?

"I, Alpha Leonardo Mattheo Anderson, reject you, Cataleyla Sienna Winters, as my mate " he declares, the weight of his words settling upon us like an unbreakable chain.

Rays of sunlight filtering through the window dance upon his face, illuminating the lines of longing and regret etched upon his features. His striking eyes, usually fierce with determination, now hold a glimmer of sadness, tearing at the edges of my soul and threatening to shatter the fragile expectations I had begun to nurture.

Confusion furrows my brow as I struggle to understand the truth behind his words. "But if we are truly mates,  why do you reject this bond that fate has woven between us?" I question, my voice laced with vulnerability and a plea for understanding.

Alpha Leonardo's gaze flickers away for a moment, as if contemplating the weight of the world upon his shoulders. When his eyes meet mine once more, they are filled with a mix of longing and resignation. "Sweet mate, I understand your pain, but the truth is much more complicated than it seems," he murmurs, his voice strained with emotion.

My heart throbs with a mixture of anticipation and dread as he takes a step closer, his presence enveloping me like a tempestuous storm. "You see, my dear, I have lived a life filled with danger and darkness. The power I possess as an alpha has attracted enemies who seek to exploit our connection, to undermine our very existence. I have tried to shield you from this treacherous world, the consequences of our bond."

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