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Violet's school outfit.

You can imagine anything else if youd like.


(Violet Juliet Blackwood)

I woke up today to the sound of my alarm clock, the relentless beeping acting as a stubborn reminder of the new chapter that awaited me. It was the first day of my new school, and my emotions were swirling with a mix of excitement and nerves. As I groggily stepped out of bed, I mustered the energy to go through my morning routine.

I sluggishly brushed my teeth, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of the unknown that lay ahead. The nervousness in my stomach made it difficult to muster an appetite, so I settled for a quick fruit and a glass of water before brushing my teeth. Then i started getting dressed.

I carefully selected a pair of baggy jeans and paired them with a simple white tank top. My choice of clothing was an attempt to make a good first impression, showcasing a sense of style that reflected my personality. As I stood in front of the mirror, I straightened my blonde hair and applied a minimalistic makeup look, aiming for a fresh and clean appearance.

With my backpack slung over my shoulder, I headed out the door, walking the short five-minute journey to school. As I approached the entrance, I noticed someone waving at me. It was one of the teachers. She guided me through the enrollment process. I walked towards her, feeling a wave of relief wash over me as she introduced herself and offered to show me around the school.

We strolled through the corridors, the teacher pointing out different facilities and areas of interest. She explained the layout of the school, ensuring I wouldn't feel lost amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces. Finally, she handed me my schedule, and we made our way to my first class.

Inside the classroom, the teacher warmly welcomed me and introduced me to the class. He directed me to an empty seat next to a girl on the second row. Obligingly, I took my place, mentally preparing myself for the day ahead. The girl leaned over to me, flashing a friendly smile, and introduced herself as Cataleya. To my surprise, she mentioned that she lived in the same neighborhood as me. Instantly, an ease settled between us, forming the first thread of a budding friendship.

The teacher began his lesson on mathematics, a subject that had never been my strong suit. Despite my reservations, I pushed through, determined to give my best effort and make a positive impression. Cataleya, noticing my struggle, offered to help me with the equations, making the daunting process seem a bit more manageable.

As the day progressed, Cataleya and I stuck together, navigating the hallways and sharing stories during breaks. We quickly discovered shared interests and laughed at each other's jokes, forging a connection that went beyond mere acquaintanceship. It felt as if fate had brought us together, turning what could have been a nerve-racking experience into an unexpectedly delightful one.

When the final bell rang, concluding the school day, Cataleya and I walked home together, unable to contain our excitement over how well our day had gone. We chattered animatedly about the new friends we had made, the subjects we were excited about, and the adventures that awaited us in this new academic journey.

As I entered my house, a sense of contentment filled my heart. The worries and uncertainties that had plagued me that morning had been replaced by a newfound confidence and the joy of discovering a kindred spirit. It was a testament to the power of stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing the possibilities that awaited me. The first day of my new school had not only exceeded my expectations but had also granted me a friend who shared my journey. I couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for the serendipitous turn of events and the promised adventures that lay ahead in this new chapter of my life.

The next day dawned with a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation. I woke up, feeling energized and ready to face another day at my new school. As I went through my morning routine, I couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected friendships that had already blossomed in just one day.

After quickly brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I lingered in front of the mirror, carefully arranging my hair and ensuring my outfit was just right. I wanted to make a positive impression and continue fostering the connections I had made.

As I made my way to school, a familiar sense of comfort settled in. The once-intimidating hallways now felt more familiar, and the faces I passed seemed friendlier. I exchanged warm smiles with classmates, both familiar and new, as I navigated towards my classroom.

Walking into my second day of school, I was greeted by the welcoming presence of Cataleya, my newfound friend. We sat together once again, our friendship growing stronger with each passing day. Conversations flowed seamlessly between classes, as if we had known each other for years.

Throughout the day, I found myself venturing beyond my comfort zone, striking up conversations with other classmates and participating actively in discussions. The initial nerves had subsided, replaced by a newfound confidence and a genuine curiosity to connect with those around me.

In between classes, Cataleya and I explored the school grounds during breaks, discovering hidden nooks and crannies where we could retreat and recharge. These moments were precious, allowing us to grow closer as we shared our hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

The teachers, too, continued to play a pivotal role in guiding and supporting me. Their encouragement and dedication exceeded my expectations, fostering an environment of learning and growth. They saw my potential and pushed me to challenge myself, igniting a passion for knowledge that I hadn't realized existed within me.

As the day drew to a close, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunities that had unfolded. Each interaction had deepened my understanding of the diverse perspectives and talents within my new school community. I had come to appreciate the beauty in embracing differences and learning from one another.

Returning home that evening, I couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed in such a short span of time. The trepidation and uncertainty that had accompanied my initial steps into this new school seemed like a distant memory. Instead, I now stood on the precipice of a vibrant journey filled with endless possibilities and remarkable connections.

With each passing day, my circle of friends expanded, and my knowledge grew. The routines of school life became familiar, and the challenges that once seemed daunting now presented exciting opportunities for growth. The second day of my new school had solidified the foundation of friendships and experiences that I knew would shape me for years to come.

As I drifted off to sleep that night, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the adventures that lay ahead. The next day held the promise of new discoveries, unexpected encounters, and the incredible potential for personal and academic growth. With gratitude in my heart and a sense of purpose in my step, I eagerly awaited the dawning of a brand new day.


A slowly burn storie but keep up with it. I really like the idea of where this is going. Trust me you'll like it.

Viollet finally met Cataleya, our next main character. Let's see how our storie will go from now on.

Thank you for reading this.

1268 words

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