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Absolutely, categorically nothing.

That's all that Craig could feel as he chain smoked pack after pack of cigarettes. He can't eat. He can't sleep. Everything he used to enjoy made him feel sick to his stomach. His friends no longer made him laugh. His dad's incessant nagging to find an omega no longer made him feel angry.

He felt nothing. This numbness washed over him that day in the music room when Stan had rejected him, and had stayed with him ever since. He felt as if there was no hope for him anymore.

He was, officially, a shell of a person he used to be. His once warm heart was cold as ice and his brain was forever on auto pilot. Disassociation had become his best friend these days, constantly stuck in his own head where he thought of nothing and everything all at once.

It was as if his depression and apathy intertwined into one entity. He was drowning, and nobody could pull him out. Nobody had the strength or grit to do it.

They were on winter break now, but throughout the entire break so far, Craig spent it held up in his room. His friends had tried time and time again to get him to go out with them. They even came over a lot just to keep him company.

Nothing seemed to help.

Craig had A Day To Remember blasting through his room as he laid on the floor on his back with his legs propped up on the bed and his hood up and over his eyes. He didn't even register when his door had opened.

Thomas sighed at the sorry sight. He heard Craig and his friends talking about what had happened with Stan and he couldn't help but feel responsible for everything that was happening to his son.

He needed to take Craig's focus away from the omega he disapproved of and turn it back towards something else.

He walked into the messy bedroom and turned the music down a little. He also pulled the blinds up to let in some sunlight before turning around and leaning against Craig's desk with his hands in his pockets. Craig didn't even bother to look at him as he stayed absolutely still.

"What do you want?" Craig asked in an annoyed tone of voice. Thomas sighed again.

"The annual Christmas Eve potluck is happening tonight. Your mom and your sister are going. I'm hoping you'll come too. Get out of your room for a while." He spoke softly, stepping away from the desk and taking a seat on the bed next to Craig's legs. Craig scoffed from his spot on the floor with his hands firmly placed behind his head in a relaxed manner.

"Why would I go to a bougie company potluck? I'm not interested in doing anything right now." He replied monotonously. Thomas shrugged.

"Well, I want to introduce you to somebody. I think you'll really like him." Craig shoved his hood up over his head slightly and lifted his head to give his dad a dead stare.

"If it's the omega you've been trying to hook me up with for months, for the millionth time, I'm not interested."

"No no...not him." He trailed off a bit, leaning forward on his knees. "His dad."

Craig sat up at this with a perplexed expression on his face. What the fuck is his dad planning now?


Thomas couldn't help but laugh slightly at his reaction.

"No, not like that. He has a pretty good history studying astronomy and working in the field. He's even been up in the International Space Station a couple of times. I figured you should get a connection and good advice from a professional who has been in the field for a while." He said, offering a smile. Thomas won't lie. He's hoping Craig will find his son interesting, too. He's a smart boy, a model, and he comes from a good family.

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