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English class ended relatively uneventful. The teacher just handed out lists of what they will need for class as well as basic classroom rules.

Stan couldn't stay focused on anything the teacher was saying with Craig sitting right next to him. He felt a knot in his stomach the whole period that wouldn't go away, and it didn't help that periodically he catches Craig looking over at him out of his peripheral.

What the fuck was his problem anyways? There's no way he could know Stan is actually an Omega. A small part of him can't help but think...

What if he did know.

Stan shook the thought out of his head. No. He's positive Craig didn't see him at the store. Fuck, he really wishes he had his medication before his friends dragged him out in public like that.

Stan also wishes Craig didn't grow to be so stupid attractive over the summer. It makes hiding a lot harder.

With that thought, Stan swallowed hard and pushed his feelings away. Swallowing your feelings and emotions isn't healthy, but if it means Stan can protect himself and hide what he really is then he's going to do it.

After a while, class was dismissed and it was on to the next one, which was Algebra 2. Stan never minded math classes and he's able to understand it, but it still never fails to be his least favorite class. He wasn't as smart as Kyle, who is in Calculus, but he also doesn't struggle with it as much as Kenny, who is taking the classes that allows students struggling with math to aquire the credits needed to graduate.

The bell rang, indicating end of first period. Stan quickly grabbed his things and slipped his binder and list into his backpack before standing up to leave.

Just as he stepped out the door he felt someone's hand on his shoulder, shocking him out of his thoughts and turning to see it was Craig. He felt his heart beat quicken and his breath waver.

"What's your class schedule?" Craig asked him, still monotonous and face stoic as ever. Stan caught his breath and sighed, taking his schedule out of his pocket and handing it over to Craig.

He took it from the smaller boy and their fingers brushed together for a moment. Stan felt his face go red and he couldn't bring himself to look at Craig. The taller teen also felt a little shaken by the brief contact but opened up the folded piece of paper to take a look.

Period 1.) English
Period 2.) Algebra 1
((( LUNCH )))
Period 3.) Art
Period 4.) World History
((( BREAK )))
Period 5.) Spanish 2
Period 6.) P.E.

Music Room Assistance
Art Club (Fridays)

Craig sighed, handing the schedule back to Stan. They only shared two classes together, which was English and World History. For some reason, not sharing P.E. with Stan made him feel a little sick. Not because Craig is a perv or anything, but because he'll be in a locker room....with hormonal Alphas. Last period gym is always full of them. Even though he thinks Stan is  a Beta, he can't help but hate the idea of him stripping down in front of them.

It's almost as if his natural instinct, his inner Alpha, is trying to tell him something. Nonetheless, he pushes it down and ignores it before looking down at the shorter boy in front of him, who is still blushing and staring down at the ground. Craig couldn't help but think the sight was rather fucking adorable.

"Well, we share two classes together." He said, watching as Stan lifted his head and stared at him with those beautiful piercing blue eyes of his. Craig swallowed, not able to look away from such a pretty face. Stan gave a shy smile.

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