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Stan was internally panicking. The image of Craig strangling Gary right in front of him was replaying in his head over and over again.

Was Craig about to be expelled...?

...because of me?!

After a moment, the bell rang, indicating an end of lockdown. Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, and other students who don't have a class with Mrs. Clardy stood up to leave, but Mrs. Clardy put her hands up in front of herself towards the students.

"Now, hold on! Not so fast! Wait for an announcement." She said, eyeing the students as some stood still and others sat back down. Cartman sat back down on the desk and groaned.

"Man...I have a test this morning."

Not too long after, the intercom came on.

"Can the following students, please come to the office...

Kyle Broflovski, Christian Ball, Kenny McCormick, Tolkien Black, Eric Cartman, Jonas Luvitts, Tweek Tweak, Clyde Donovan, Daniel Andersen, and Stanley Marsh.

Thank you."

The four of them all looked at each other, and over to Clyde and Butters in confusion, standing up and going towards the door. Butters gave them all a sorry look while Gary's friends all groaned.

"Man...here we go, boys." Jonas said, throwing his backpack over his shoulders.

They made it out into the hallway where Tolkien and Tweek met with them, and headed towards the office, mostly in silence, other than Gary's friends who were making this whole, terrifying situation out to be a joke. Cartman rolled his eyes.

"Man, why are we being called down? We didn't do anything..." Cartman said in annoyance. Tolkien sighed.

"Because we were there when it happened, and we're friends with Craig so we can better explain why he did what he did." He said low and quiet, looking over at Stan. If anyone knows better than anyone else, it's Stan.

Tolkien, Tweek, and Clyde all took glances at the black haired teen to see how he's taking this. They all went from pissed off, to sad for him when they saw his face.

Stan's eyes drooped and his face screamed guilt. Clearly he understands and he's taking full blame for everything. This whole ordeal was just saddening. They're both clearly suffering.

Stan was stuck in his head the whole way to the office. What should he do? He doesn't want to be in a relationship with Craig, but obviously, he can't just ignore him and pretend what's between them doesn't exist. Stan realized in that moment that; he can starve himself to appear more beta, he can abuse drugs to stop his heats and pheromones, but he can't change the fact that Craig is fated to him. No amount of drugs or starvation can change that, no matter how much Stan hates it.

He swallowed hard as he realized, he needs to be there for Craig. At the very least, be more of a friend than he has been as of late. If Craig is at least around him, maybe the taller teen won't be so angry and recluse.

Maybe Stan's instincts will finally quiet down, too. Who knows? But it's worth a try.

He sighed as they walked passed the windows looking into the office, but his heart made a painful thud when he saw Craig coming out of the nurse's office and escorted into ISS by Nate.

He looked so miserable. He looked pained. Not a physical pain, but an emotional one. Stan is way too familiar with depression and what it looked like on people.

Craig is depressed.

And it's all his fault.

Kyle opened the doors to the office when two of the guidance counselors, the principal, and even a fucking police officer were waiting for them.

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