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WARNING: Sexual content in this chapter.

No no no....

This can't be happening.

"Fuck!" Stan shouted in anger, slamming his fists on the desk and abruptly standing up from his desk chair. He began pacing the room and running his hands through his hair in frustration, feeling a panic settling into his chest.

So this is why they've been acting differently towards one another. This is the reason the air feels different between them.

Why does it have to be Craig Tucker of all people? Even if he wanted a relationship with an Alpha, which he doesn't, what was he supposed to do with this information? Walk up to Craig, break the news to him, and then let him fuck and bond him?

Stan's face suddenly went beet red at the thought of that and his mind began to run wild. The thought of Craig on top of him, working up a sweat and his scent engulfing him.....

Stan abruptly shook the image out of his head, pulling his hair on either side of his head as he sat on the floor with his legs pulled up to his chest. No matter what he did to try to think of anything other than Craig, it didn't work. He felt himself beginning to become aroused at the thought, his face growing hot and his blue eyes widening.


Stan sighed and glanced up at his desktop clock. It was only five so dinner wouldn't be ready for another thirty minutes.

Half hour...I have a half hour.

With that thought, he slowly stood up and grimaced as he felt how hard and wet he is. The only time he was aroused like this he was in heat. This time is different. His head is clear, but he still feels....empty.

He walked over to his door and quickly locked it before he disgarded his pants and underwear, climbing onto the bed with only his over sized t shirt on and got under the covers of his unmade bed.

He wrapped his hand around his hardened dick and began to pump it. His thoughts began to run wild with images of Craig bending him over and taking Stan for himself, tossing him around on the bed as if he weighed nothing.

As Stan shut his eyes and let the thoughts run through his mind, he felt his entrance quivering and slick running down his thighs. He quickly realized that simply pumping his dick wasn't nearly enough. Before his dynamic, he could just quickly masterbate and get off with just his dick but now....

He needs more than that.

He released himself and let out a heavy sigh as he rolled over and opened up his nightstand, swallowing hard as he pulled out a realistic dildo. Stan's face became beet red again, feeling embarrassment and shame wash over him. He never used it before, not even when he was in heat. It was a gag gift he got from Kenny for his birthday a year ago so he never thought in a million years he'd use it.

He picked up a heavy hard back book from his floor and suction cupped the toy on it. After what felt like an eternity staring down at it, Stan straddled it and lowered himself down on the toy slowly. The sensation of feeling painfully empty was quickly replaced with the strongest sense of pleasure he's never felt before. Stan let out a quiet soft moan when the toy was in him completely and leaned forward, his arms supporting his weight as he bounced up and down.

Fantasies of Craig ran through his mind again but they were a lot clearer this time. He imagined the toy to be Craig's dick, and he wasn't bouncing on a book. He was bouncing on Craig. He could almost feel Craig's hands gliding up his thighs and gripping his hips, nails digging into his skin with need.

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