216 11 7

TW: Anorexia/Bulimia, Drug Use/Addiction

It was now the next day, and to say Stan slept horribly, was an understatement.

The anxiety he felt after the realization that Craig is his fated alpha kept him up all night. How was he supposed to navigate this? What was he going to tell Craig?

Should he tell him?

Stan was hiding the fact that he is an omega. He doesn't want to be an omega. There's no way in hell he could possibly pursue this.

Not only that, but Stan doesn't know Craig all that well to begin with. They've always been in the same friend group because of Tolkien and Kyle, but that's all they were. Friends by association.

Stan felt his eyes sting at the cruel and sad reality of this situation as he looked up towards his window from his pillow, the sun already rising in the pale blue morning sky. Stan shut his tired eyes, an exhale escaping him as his 6:30 alarm started to blare throughout his room. He reached over to his nightstand and grabbed his phone, shutting off the alarm before dropping it in his lap and rubbing his sleepy eyes.

'This is going to be a shitty day.' He internally thought to himself as he rose from his bed. He was still rubbing his eyes when he nearly tripped over what felt like a book. He looked down at it with annoyance before feeling his face heat up as he realized it was the book he....used yesterday. He thought he had kicked it fully under the bed, but obviously, trying to lug bulky laundry out of the room, that didn't happen.

It made him think more about his fantasy and about Craig, which caused him to feel more embarrassed and angry. He kicked it with force under the bed completely.

The last thing he wants, is to think about that.

Stan pushed Craig out of his mind and went about his usual morning routine. He picked out his clothes for the day before heading into the hallway bathroom for a shower.

He flicked on the lights and squeezed his eyes shut as the harsh white lights assaulted his tired eyes. As soon as he opened them again, his eyes landed on his bottle of hydrocodone. His eyes wavered on the bottle for a second before he picked it up, turning it over to look at the side effects.

If they suppress pheromones, then he will take at least one more than needed.

There's a huge risk to that, though. If he continues to abuse his medication for a prolonged period of time and Craig triggers his heat somehow, than his heat will be stronger than it ever is supposed to be. Maybe even fatal.

Stan internally scoffed at that. If he dies, then so be it. He opened the bottle up, and took two pills. Not for the pain, but to destroy his omega.

He drew open the shower curtain and turned the water on in the tub, running his hand under the water and lifting the small lever above the faucet to activate the shower once the temperature was to his liking. He then proceeded to strip out of his clothes, throwing them into the wicker laundry hamper before looking up at his reflection for a split second. He definitely did NOT want to see the omegan body in the mirror.

After his shower, he made his way out into the cold house where he could smell coffee and syrup wafting through the air. He held onto his growling stomach, realizing it's been a while since he ate anything.

In his head...for a good reason.

He walked into the kitchen and saw his mom standing at the stove frying up some bacon and eggs while Shelly sat at the table texting friends with a mouth full of pancake.

He felt anxiety creeping in as he watched his sister eat her fluffy, buttery pancakes soaked in syrup. He was hungry, but he also didn't want to gain any weight. He wanted to lose his curves, not add onto them.

Satellite (Staig - Craig x Stan)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum