Chapter 16

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Three weeks without Hunter.

It's been a long three weeks. But I must say I feel much better.

There were times when I felt like I was going to give in and end up at his doorstep, but I never actually did, so that means I've made some progress. And I've got to say, this break has helped me more than I would like to believe. Being without him and the constant drama that we were going through felt good. I was able to focus on myself and no one else.

Don't get me wrong, for the first week; Hunter was all I could think about. I constantly worried about him and it did no good. But then my mom talked to me and told me it was no point of going through this if he was all I was going to think about, which made a lot of sense. So after that talk, I began focusing on myself and I've been meditating a lot. I know it sounds weird, but it's the one mantra that calms me and keeps me centered.

I have been spending more time with my family and friends and of course at work. My father thinks it's good that I have a job so that I can understand how to balance out my life and manage money. Matt was surprised that I decided to go on a break with Hunter, but I think he was secretly happy.

He's been texting me all of the time and sits with me at lunch again. To be honest, I think it's very suspicious that he's suddenly so into me again because Hunter and me are not together, but I don't think too much into it because he is one of my best friends and he's been very supportive.

Mandy doesn't say a word to me. She didn't before, but now it's serious. I could sit right next to her in class and won't hear a peep out of her. It's good that she's keeping that mouth of hers shut. Everything just seems to be going great and the only thing that will make things perfect is to be with Hunter again.

I think the break might have helped him, too. I haven't seen him much during these past three weeks, but the rare times that we ran into each other, we always gave each other a small smile. It didn't have to be very noticeable to anyone; it just had to be noticeable to us. As long as the smile was there, we both knew that we would be reunited soon.

And today was the day. I was going to talk to Hunter about getting back together. I wanted to be with him again. I wanted to talk everything out and never have any doubts between the two of us again. So as I get ready for work, I texted Hunter.

"Can we meet up after work?"

I wait for his reply, but never got one. And when my father calls me down because he's ready to go, I text him again.

"Please? I get off at 3 so we can maybe meet afterwards? Let me know soon."

I hurry to put my boots on and shrug my coat and scarf on.

"Asia, if you want a ride, let's go!" I hear my father yell from downstairs.

"Coming!" I turn off my light and hurry down the stairs.

"Jeez, you take a long time." My dad sighs and grabs his keys from the table next to the door as I come down the stairs.

"Sorry, dad." I smile and we make our way to the car.

"So do you need me to pick you up, too?" He asks.

"I think so." I nod.

"You think so? It's a yes or no, Ace, because I have plans today."

"See Dad, I wouldn't have to be indecisive if I had a car..." I hint to him.

"Well why do you have a job? To save up money and get your own car."

"At this rate of pay I'll never get a car!" I exclaim.

"Maybe next year we'll get you a car."

"And by next year you mean January right? My birthday is in two weeks and Christmas is in another 3...just saying."

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