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The war was seemingly over. For the first time in ages, everything was falling into place, just as it was meant to. Glory had finally been achieved for both the Danes and Saxons. The Saxons had finally won against the Scots, and had sent them riding back to their own lands, with their tails in between their legs. The Danes now had a place to call home. With Lord Uhtred as overlord, they could all live freely has they wished, believe in whatever gods they wanted to. However, politics always played a role. Uhtred had agreed that, for the Scottish King to not enter into his lands, Uhtred would no swear Northumbia to King Edward, has many had assumed. The dream of England would not be achieved in his life time. Edward tried to be a good King, but time and time again he proved he was not the man to unite the lands. Perhaps someone else in his bloodline would show that they are worthy, but he would not live to see it.


All stood and sat around the fire pit, ready to discuss what was to happen next. Some wished to wait till the morrow to discuss, but the King told how he wanted to return to Winchester at the earliest. He had left Winchester alone for a time before, and that did not bear fruitful. At his side was his son, Lord Aethelstan, and Father Pyrilg. Across from them, sat Lord Uhtred. To his Uhtred's left his most trusted men, Finan and Sihtric. To the right was his own children, Stiorra and young Uhterd. Acting was some type of bridge, was Lord Aldhelm and Lady Saehild sat in the middle. The ladies, Aelswith, Eadith, Aelfwynn, and Cynlaef, also sat alongside to listen. Each persons who was sat, had much importance to the land. The current rulers, and the future rulers. Whatever they agreed on here, may make the future of the lands and people. Just having come from battle, their head were somewhat fogged, but decisions needed to happen swiftly, in order for the peace to hold.

"Firstly, I would thank all of you for sitting with us." the king started, "I know we all wish to celebrate, but there is much to be discussed. My wife is with child and I wish to return to Wessex as soon as possible."

All looked to each other, with telling eyes. Through all the fighting, it was still known that the king had remarried. The fact that she was with child however, seemed to skip the conversation. Saehild shot a small look to Aethelstan, seeing how he reacted. In the case, he would have another sibling, a joyous moment right? Having another brother, though, she wonder if he'd be worried if that would jeopardies his own succussion to the throne. Edward had not yet named his aetheling, and with all the chaos that happened in Mercia, it was time that he secured his own bloodline and named his hire. An awkward pause was held, as the king twitched his mouth. He'd known that the news of a new babe in Winchester would be met with whispers and looks, but he did not care. This was his chance to be a real father. First his twins were separated, never to see his daughter ever again, and his eldest son taken away to grow up without him. Then came Aelfweard. Yet he paid the boy no mind, in which his grandfather took the chance to corrupt him. This, this was his chance to be the father that he could be. Be the father that Alfred was to him, be the father that Aldhelm is to the girls. He would not rob another child.

"Lord King?" Pyrlig asked, "May I suggest that we start with the line of succession then. With the blessing of a new child, and Aelfweard's betrayal, an official hire must be named."

"Yes, Father Pyrilg, you are right." Edward sighed, "What I'd like to start with, is who and where will hold Aelfweard. His betrayal sickness me. He will not be welcomed in Winchester on my order."

Lord Uhtred looked to Finan and Sihtric, but they could only shrugged their shoulders. This was still a member of the House of Wessex they were talking about. He came with a high price, both ways. The boy should be punished for the crime, yet, but how? Aelfweard was still young, he was only following his grandfather because he was the only person left who would pay him mind.

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