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The night was not filled with sleep, rather, much seemed to still happen. Before night fell, the rest of the royal household arrived to Eoferwic, to be under Edward's protection. Meanwhile, Saehild continued to aid Pyrilg, and avoid her father, the best to her abilities. Unexpectedly, while the town was quite, King Edward secretly planned to marry his lady friend, Lady Eadgifu. Oddly enough, the lady called for Lady Saehild to help her ready for the ceremony. Her reason being, that she wished for an outside perceptive from her servants, to tell her if she looked well or not. After such a long tiresome day, the Mercian would not lie that Eadgifu did look a little tired, but who didn't. Saehild admired her beauty truly, Lady Eadgifu had long silky black hair, and sharp but yet such soft features. The half-Dane also caught the new glow that the lady seemed to have. She had seen it before many times over, in the women expecting a child she helped back at home. Apparently this marriage was necessary.


In accordance to law the king asked, more like commanded, Saehild to stand as a witness. There was no way she could get out of this one. Silently she stood in the conner of the royal chamber, listening to Father Benedict speak from the bible. She'd never been to a royal wedding, but she'd expected it to be more elaborate then this. All four stood, as the candles offered a oddly romantic atmosphere. As the priest's words started to mix together in Saehild's tried ears, she noticed a shadow approaching the decoratively holed door. But before she could even guess to who it was, the doors swung open revealing the Lord Aelfweard.

"So soon father?"


"My mother replaced while she lies warm in her grave?" the prince scrunched his nose in disgust.

Edward remined calm as his son was red hot, "God has sent us an unexpected blessing."

Lady Eadgifu held on to her stomach with a smile across her face. On the other hand, Aelfweard looked on saddened. He flashed an uncomfortable simile falling quickly, "So I am to be replaced also." without second thought, he turned his whole body at once leaving the sight.

"Aelfweard, return." the king asked, "I command you come back here!"

"Allow him to grieve his mother." Eadgifu calmed him.

The two turned back to face each other, trying to enjoy the moment, but once the king was angered there was no stopping what he would do. Frustrated he looked to Saehild and Father Benedict, "Find me. Comfort him." he whispered, "But remind him of his duty. I shall not stomach a disobedient child."

"Lord King. Lady." Saehild curtsied before leaving the room.


Honesty, the lady was glad to be rid of that room, she could no longer stand in the awkwardness. She quietly ran about the palace trying to find Aelfweard, the most she could do was try to offer comfort. The walls were to quite, but if he was as angered as she had thought he would, then surly he would be making a ruckus by now. For a moment she was stumped, but then she remember something odd. When her and Aelfwynn were girls, the princess would sneak up to the ramparts when she was upset to be alone. It was a small chance he would do the same, but it was worth a look. Carefully the lady, made her way to the ramparts. To her luck, he was there, hunched over the railing, huffing out of breath. Saehild saw how red his neck and face were, he must he screamed his head out here, so no one could hear.

"The chill is growing." she broke the silence from afar.

Aelfweard tightened his grip on the wood, "Leave me alone."

Saehild pressed her lips together, crossing her arms, "I will not pretend to know what this feels like, but in times of despair, the worst thing is to be alone."

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