Second Star to the Right

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The Enchanted Forest, thirty years ago

"And this is your room," Snow White said to the young quiet princess as she opened a door.

Crown Princess Reagan walked in to find a bedchamber that was smaller than her childhood one. Instead of the bright blue colored wallpapered walls, she was surrounded by a room that had dark brown wood panel walls. There was a bed that was set against a wall that had dark blue bedding along with a dark blue canopy. She would be woken up with a view of the ocean that the palace sat on every morning. In the corner was a wardrobe, a desk, and a few bookshelves. It wasn't as homey as her bedroom in Western, but she knew she would grow to like it.

"I can send in a few maids to help you unpack if—"

"I'm fine, thank you," the thirteen year old said quietly.

"Oh, okay," Snow White went to leave but quickly stopped and went over to the young princess. "What you have done was very brave . . . You know that, right?" The ravenette nodded. "Charming and I are happy to have you here, Reagan. And we promise, we will protect you no matter what. You can stay here as long as you wish, even when you have a family of your own. You're one of us now."

Reagan nodded and quietly said, "Thank you."

Snow White hugged her for a moment, trying to express even more how happy she was to have Reagan there before leaving the girl on her own.

Once Snow closed the door, Reagan took a moment to look around again before finding her trunk at the endo f her bed. She figured that it was brought up here when she arrived, as maids were quick to take it from her carriage when she arrived.

The thirteen year old went over to it and opened it, starting to sort through her things. She hung up the few gowns and dresses she had brought and folded the few tunics, trousers, and nightgowns before setting them in the drawers of the wardrobe along with her corsets and bloomers. Next, she took the five books that she had brought with her and placed them on the bookshelf. She wanted to bring more, but she figured that Snow and Charming's library would have plenty of books for her to entertain herself with.

Reagan went to close her trunk, only to find something she didn't think she had packed, and had panicked on the way there. At the bottom was the light blue blanket her mother had made for her when she was very young. On top of it was a note from her mother.

I love you.

The teen grabbed the blanket and held it to her as she sat down on her bed, starting to cry, one of her hands going to her locket, clutching it tightly.

Deciding to move to Northern was the hardest decision she had made in her life. She didn't want to make her mother more angry than she already was, but she couldn't go on living in Western. Her mother was started to ridicule every little thing she did, and Serenity wanted nothing to do with her anymore. She was alone, and hurting, mourning the life she had lost the minute her stepfather had died.

He was cruel, and evil to her, and yes, there were all the assaults, but she always had her mother and sisters. As soon as her mother became queen, it all went away. Let alone, she didn't want to be associated with her mother.

Yes, she knew she could not change her DNA. She could not change how much she looked like a younger version of her mother, nor could she change her history, but getting away from Western, she believed, would be the message she wanted the realm to know. She was not like Regina or Serenity. She would forever be on Snow White's side. 

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Storybrooke Maine, Present Day

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