The Cricket Game

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"Hey, guess what?" Reagan said as she, her siblings, and Emma walked into the Charmings' apartment with bags from the store. "Taco shells were on sale."

"Apparently, tacos are not a big item in the Enchanted—"

"What are you guys still doing in bed?" Henry asked as they rounded the corner to find the Charmings holding the blanket close to themselves. "It's the middle of the afternoon." Reagan, Serenity, and Emma didn't know what to think as their jaws dropped.

"The trip back was tiring, and I needed to rest," Mary Margaret lied.

"And I needed to . . . Help her . . . Rest," David said.

"Uh, let's—let's go make tacos," Serenity said, pulling Henry away. "We have to make a lot because there's gonna be a ton of people at Granny's welcome back party tonight."

As soon as they went to the kitchen, Mary Margaret whispered, "We thought you were gonna be back later."

"Yeah, well, we weren't," Emma whispered back. "So maybe next time you could put a tie on the door or send a text, or . . ." She stopped as her mother looked away embarrassed.

"You know what?" Reagan said, grabbing Emma's hand. "We're . . . We're gonna go make some tacos."

*  *  *  *  *

The Enchanted Forest, thirty years ago

Crown Princess Reagan watched the village beneath the hill she was on burn to the ground as a battle raged on. She couldn't help but glare at her mother, who luckily wasn't watching her. How did it come to this? The Enchanted Forest had always been a place of wonder and beauty. Ever since her mother's reign had begun, it had been nothing but a war zone.

The sound of hooves pulled the thirteen year old out of her thoughts. She turned Rochinate as some of her kingdom's guards rode up to her, her mother, and Princess Serenity.

"My Queen, we've received word. Snow White and the prince have defeated King George. His army has fallen. The kingdom is theirs," a knight said.

"And what of George?" The Evil Queen asked.

"His fate is unknown, but without his forces, we are now alone. We cannot defeat them."

"Do not tell me what we can or can't do. Where is Snow White now?"

"Alone, on her way back to meet the prince."

"Excellent. I don't care how many men you lose. Keep them apart long enough for me to find her. I will not let them defeat me."

The Western Kingdom's royal family rode off into the night, its queen leading her daughters. The wind blew back Reagan's hair as she kept wishing she could return to the palace and bury herself into a book rather than this.

The royals caught up with Snow White who was running on foot. Not paying attention, she tripped over a rock, allowing enough time for the royals to ride up behind her, dismounting from their horses.

"Leaving the battle so soon?" Princess Serenity asked.

"The battle's over. Our army is too great. You can't win," Snow answered.

"Well, that all depends on your definition of victory," The Evil Queen replied.

"I offer you parley to negotiate the terms of your surrender," Snow White said.

"My surrender? Fair enough. My terms are quite simple . . . Your death," The Evil Queen said before going to rip out Snow's heart.

"Now!" the princess yelled.

Broken: The Second Book of the A Tale of Two Sisters SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now