Lady of the Lake

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"You sure she's gonna be okay?" Emma asked Cora who was crouched down next to Mary Margaret.

"Don't worry. She'll be fine," Cora stood.

"What is this place? Where are we?"

"It's a little island our captors like to think of as their haven."

"Haven? From what?"

"The world's dangerous. What's left of it anyway."

"Well, they can't keep us down here. We didn't do anything wrong."

"Neither did I."

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm here because of something my daughter did. The curse that ravaged this land? She cast it."

"Regina? You're Regina's mother?" Emma asked.

"Yes," Cora said, making Emma on edge for a moment. "But you have nothing to fear from me. The apple fell very far from the tree. You're from over there, aren't you? How'd you get back?"

"Emma." The blonde turned to see Mary Margaret, who was holding her head, standing up, looking at Cora in fear. "No."

"Oh, Snow, you're awake," Cora smiled. "I'm so relieved."

Mary Margaret turned Emma to her and quietly said, "As bad as you think Regina is, this woman is worse."

"Oh, Snow," Cora said, making Mary Margaret stand in front of Emma protectively. "Sweet Snow, please believe me. Whatever she told you isn't true. I just want to help you."

"Let's hear her out," Emma whispered.

"Emma," Mary Margaret said sternly.

"Okay. Right now, we're at the bottom of a hole with no other options. And Henry is back in Storybrooke with Regina."

"Who's Henry?" Cora asked.

"My son. I kind of share him with Regina. It's complicated."

Mary Margaret turned to her, "Don't talk to her!"

"Enough!" a man yelled from above as he threw down a rope. "Our leader requests an audience."

*  *  *  *  *

Reagan sat in her bed terrified as The King lurked in the doorway. There was no light, only darkness. The Savior tried to get out of her bed, but she was stuck. The ravenette whimpered as he came closer to her, finally reaching her bed. He pulled her out of the bed as she tried to call out for help, but nothing came out. He began to undo the buttons on the back of her light blue nightdress, making her start to cry. He let the dress fall to the ground, leaving her vulnerable. He pushed her back onto the bed as he climbed on top of her, kissing her ne—


The teens eyes flew open as she found herself in her bed in Storybrooke, finding herself covered in sweat and tears as her body shook in fear. She started hyperventilating, not really having any idea where she was.

"It's okay, baby, it was only a dream," Regina said pushing her daughter's hair back.

Reagan registered where she was. The King was still dead, she was safe in her bed in Storybrooke where the only person who was home with her was her mother.

She was still breathing heavily, but it was starting to slow down as her dream kept replaying in her mind. Reagan looked at Regina's wrist to find a burn.

"Did I do that?" the teen asked through tears.

"It's alright. I can heal it," Regina said as Reagan sat up, trembling with fear. "It's okay, you're safe, everything's alright."

Broken: The Second Book of the A Tale of Two Sisters Seriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें