Welcome to Storybrooke

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Storybrooke Maine, twenty-nine years ago

Serenity's eyes flew open to find a white ceiling staring back at her. She rolled over onto her side to find herself laying in a bed in a room that had crimson colored walls, which were better than the ugly red wallpaper she had grown accustomed to before.


She quickly sat up, realizing the curse had worked. She was no longer in The Enchanted Forest, but rather the land where her mother would finally have her happy ending.

And hopefully her as well.

She sat up as new knowledge came over her that she had to get ready for . . . Was it school?

She walked over to her wardrobe . . . Closet, to find her uniform hanging up. It was a black blazer with the Storybrooke Middle School emblem embroidered on it. Underneath it was a white blouse along with a black, green, and white striped skirt. Hung across the hanger were knee high black socks.

The twelve year old reluctantly took the uniform off the hanger and walked out of her room, finding the bathroom to get ready before going back to her room to grab her book bag and to put on a pair of black converse.

Once she was ready for the day, she went downstairs, smelling something cooking in the kitchen. She entered to find her mother at the stove, "Mom?" She was not used to her mother wearing a simple, but nice, dress blouse and pencil skirt, not to mention that her hair was shorter now.

Regina turned to her with a smile, "Morning."

"Am I supposed to really wear this?" the girl gestured to her uniform.

"Yes, you are. You're not the only one, you know that."

Serenity crossed her arms, "Really? You know I remember."

Regina raised an eyebrow as she handed her daughter a plate with pancakes on it, "Eat. You're going to miss the bus."

"The what?"

"The bus."

"Right," the girl said as she went to the dining room table to eat.

Upstairs, her older sister's alarm was going off. The fourteen year old came out of the world of sleep, being greeted to the blue colored room she had spent her entire life in. She rolled over and turned off her clock before throwing off her blankets, and going to her bathroom, finding the outfit she had picked out for the day already waiting for her. She had the day off of school, and wasn't going to let it go to waste.

Once she was ready for the day, she came downstairs, finding her sister heading out for school, "Have a good day."

Serenity looked up at her like she had seen a ghost. For some odd reason, the brunette was not expecting to be living with her older sister again. Not knowing what to say, she awkwardly, and rudely, said, "Yeah," before leaving.

Reagan rolled her eyes. She had tried to be cordial with her sister, but she knew that as soon as she moved out, the sisters would probably never speak with one another again.

The teen walked into the kitchen, finding her mother who asked, "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine, except for the weird dream I had," Reagan replied.


"It was in this fairytale land that seemed somewhat familiar, like where every fairytale character existed. I was a princess and lived with Snow White and Prince Charming, who oddly enough looked like Miss Blanchard and that coma patient. I was living with them because my mother, The Evil Queen, who also looked like you, was planning on casting this curse. And then, Snow White gave birth to a daughter, who was prophesied to be this savior along with me to break the queen's curse, and then everything else was a blur and the last thing I remember was the curse being cast, and then it all went black . . . And then I woke up."

Broken: The Second Book of the A Tale of Two Sisters Seriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें