Chapter Nine

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'You're under arrest

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'You're under arrest.'

I gape at my pale face reflected in the cop's sunglasses, horrified. My head swims. Surely not arrested. What did I do? I forgot to check my blind spot when I merged over into this lane. Or– no, I was speeding! That had to be it.

The cop's face suddenly breaks into a wide grin. 'I'm kidding!' He throws back his head in laughter. 'You look nervous, relax!'

I freeze. Of course. Just a silly little joke. I grimace a thin-lipped smile in response.

'It's her first drive on a main road,' Ashton leans over me, grinning.

'Oh that's too bad! This traffic is terrible!' The cop laughs again, before crouching lower, his forehead creasing as he examines Ashton. 'Hey, you look pretty young to be a driving instructor.'

Shit. No! Not like this. I just wanted to learn how to drive! Is that so bad? I could see this on my record for the rest of my life. I open my mouth, trying to formulate something.


'I get that a lot,' Ashton interrupts me without hesitation. 'I'm actually twenty-seven. This is my little sister.'

The cop laughs. 'I get that too!'

His balding hair and moustache seem contradictory, but I'm not going to point that out.

'Go on through guys. Five Islands road is blocked off but you can turn left here and follow the detour signs.'

The cop stands back and I carefully ease a foot on the accelerator, turning down the road he'd directed us to.

'Go, just go,' Ashton urges.

I spare a few glances back at the rearview mirror every few seconds, watching the cop turn his attention to the next car waiting. When I round the next corner, I draw in a huge breath and let out a short, strangled scream.

'Did that really just happen?'

'I'm wearing my school uniform!' Ashton barks a laugh.

'You said you're twenty-seven?! That's the first age you could think of?!'

Ashton runs a hand through his hair, slumping back in the seat.

'I thought we were done. When he said we were arrested, I–'

'You're wearing your school uniform!'

'I honestly did not think we were going to get away with that.'

'We're lucky you decided to put on that hoodie!'

Ashton had thrown on a dark hoodie earlier, so his school uniform isn't so obvious. But he's still wearing his school trousers, shoes and socks. If the police officer had looked any harder, he would've easily noticed something was off.

'Do you think people really mistake his age?' Ashton guffaws.

'Yeah. Maybe for being older than he actually is'

We continue to celebrate the entire way back home, whooping with laughter until my cheeks hurt.

We sit in the car talking after I park in the driveway.

'Do you see what I meant now?' Ashton asks. 'It's not like cops are even out there everyday. The odds we see another cop like that is probably zero.'

'I know,' I nod. 'I'm still nervous, but I feel a lot better than before.'

A smile stretches across his face.

'That's good. I was worried you might just end up more anxious.'

We both sit in silence for a moment.

'So earlier...' Ashton begins. I look across at him expectantly.

'Earlier, you– you mentioned your dad hasn't been home in two weeks, right?' He seems unsure of his words, stuttering slightly in places.

My smile drops and instantly my chest grows tight.

'It's nothing,' I lean over and grab my backpack from the backseat. 'I should probably head inside now. I have some homework I need to work on.'

I get out of the car, slamming the door shut. Ashton follows, albeit much slower.

'Okay. I... I guess I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Bye,' I head straight to the front door, letting myself inside and slamming it shut before Ashton even has a chance to properly get out of my car.

My breathing is heavy. I brace myself against the door with one hand and throw my bag to the ground before creeping to the nearest window, watching Ashton.

He doesn't look back as he walks to his car and gets in, driving away.

He doesn't look back as he walks to his car and gets in, driving away

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