Chapter One

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I spend the rest of my free period in the heavily air-conditioned library, creating and printing off posters

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I spend the rest of my free period in the heavily air-conditioned library, creating and printing off posters. As silly as dad's tutoring idea is, I decide it can't hurt to put it out there and see what I get back. I slave over the designs and then after they've printed, I cut the bottom of the poster into little strips with my phone number printed on each one. When they're finished, I stand up from the desk I've been working at to admire them.

Billie's Tutoring Services: Maths, English, Science. $30 per hour.

I'm optimistic. Attracting just one student would be a consistent stream of income. And I can take on multiple students in one session, capping the classes at five students, leaving me with more than enough money to comfortably cover my driving lessons and any other expenses that might come up... provided I can teach the content. Managing good grades is one thing, but I've never been a teacher or tutor before, so it's going to be a learning curve.

Pausing, I shake my head. I'm getting ahead of myself. First I need to actually get the students.

I tack up my posters around the junior block. Despite my earlier thoughts that the only students needing tutors would be my age, I decide to try my luck with the younger students anyway. Tutoring someone my age was one thing. Tutoring someone my age from my grade? Someone that could even be in one of my classes? I'm not sure anyone could do that. Let alone the comments I'd get just for pinning up my posters where the senior students could see.

I'm pinning up the last poster when I hear footsteps. A quick glance at my watch tells me the bell for first break is going to ring soon. I haven't checked if I'm allowed to post these up, so I cross my fingers in the hope that the footsteps don't belong to a teacher. I pin down the last corner and glance in the direction of the footsteps. Oh. It's not a teacher.

It's Ashton Hunt. He's a bit of a... slut. I've heard he was dating two girls at once, and they were both aware and gave their consent. I suppose I might say okay to that too. Not that I would like to share anyone I might be dating, but... Ashton is gorgeous. High cheekbones, tanned skin and warm brown eyes. I think I'd be satisfied if I could only get him every other weekend.

I turn back to the poster, pretending to fuss over the corners, smoothing them down with a finger and silently hoping Ashton wouldn't notice me and would just continue past. It's not like he's ever spared me a glance, let alone stop to make conversation.

'What's this?'

I jump. Of course he isn't going to just continue past. Why would he just continue past?

'Billie's Tutoring Services,' I can feel his body heat as he leans over my shoulder to read the poster. The breeze I'd felt earlier is gone now, leaving the hallway stuffy. 'Huh. You get good grades?'

I turn to face him, feeling my joints grind against themselves as I force myself not to sprint in the other direction, away from Ashton. His eyes pierce down at me so sharp I almost feel delirious. The school uniform, a simple short-sleeve button-up shirt and navy trousers, seems to look completely different on him to the other boys. Although he's not exactly muscly or filled out, just tall and slim. His dark hair is grown out at the back, not quite long enough to be a mullet, but almost like he's considering it. He wears some kind of gold necklace, peeking out from under his shirt. I only see it because it catches on the light. His hands are stuffed into his pockets but I imagine he wears a matching gold ring on one of his fingers.

'Y-yes,' I force the word through my teeth, avoiding eye contact.


'Why-- why?' my eyes flicker back to his but all I can see is genuine curiosity.

'Why are you doing tutoring lessons? You need a job or something?'

'Actually, I need to pay for my driving lessons. It's the only way I'm going to be able to get my licence.' I clamp my mouth shut to stop myself from oversharing anything else.

'Ah, I see,' he glances back up at the poster in thought, eyebrows slightly furrowed. 'I don't have any money but... I'll give you driving lessons in exchange for free tutoring lessons.'

My jaw drops, but he continues, unperturbed.

'I only just recently realised I need to get my average up. I'm applying for this...' he pauses, glancing away with a slight blush warming his cheeks. 'This big apprenticeship in Paris, as a chocolatier. The application is through the French embassy, and apparently they want an ATAR of at least 75. Who'd have thought you need good grades to make chocolate?'

Ashton laughs, but all I can do is watch on as he talks, mostly to himself. Stubble is lightly scattered along his upper lip and jawline, and I give myself a moment to imagine it a little more grown out.

'Look, I get it if you're apprehensive, but think of it like a business proposal. When we're done, you can drive to your heart's content, and I'll bid you farewell before I head off to France. What do you think?' he looks down at me with an expectant smile.

'That... actually sounds like a good deal,' I can't help admitting it. I like the idea of a strictly business relationship with an expiry date. I wouldn't have to wait with bated breath for Ashton to reject and/or ghost me. I wasn't going to have to expect the worst. But then reality slaps me in the face.

'But how can you teach me to drive? You're not old enough to be on your full licence yet.' my arms cross involuntarily.

'I'm already on my greens,' he shrugs with a lazy grin.


'I turned eighteen a few weeks ago. So that's two years of experience behind the wheel. I'm not saying I'd be a perfect instructor, but I am free. Well, not totally free, but in terms of tax, I am free.'

My teeth gnaw at my bottom lip again.

'It sounds too good to be true,' I shake my head. 'Sorry.'

'Hey, no worries,' he shrugs, like he couldn't care less what I do, before ripping off one of the tags on my poster with my number. 'I'll text you so you have my number. You can reply to me when you change your mind.'

'What makes you think I'm going to change my mind that easily?' My hands are on my hips.

He shrugs. 'This school is probably not the greatest demographic of kids looking for tutors. If you find a kid to tutor then sure, I'll back off. But I'll be honest, I think you're gonna have a hard time finding students.'

With that, Ashton turns and finally saunters away down the hallway, waving a hand over his shoulder. He walks with smug arrogance, but I suppose it's earned. Once he's out of sight, I brace myself against the brick wall, sagging.

Take lessons from someone on their greens? It's ridiculous. What if we got caught? My licence would be suspended for sure. I'd have to pay a fine or go to gaol.

Despite the risks, however, his deal did sound good. I don't have plans to encourage or cultivate any friendships at school, or anywhere, for that matter. But if Ashton is going to leave Australia at the end of the year anyway, there would be no reason to expect our friendship to continue. In fact, it was ideal... it just might actually work.

Except that, of course, we could get into huge trouble if we got caught.

Except that, of course, we could get into huge trouble if we got caught

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