Chapter Three

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'Let's do it

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'Let's do it.'

The hallway is silent as Ashton gapes back at me. Frankie freezes, before carefully swivelling around.

'It?' she exclaims, her face contorted in confused disgust.

'The- the driving lessons! In exchange for tutoring!' I hurry down the hallway to catch up with them, trying to erase any miscommunication.

Ashton is still unresponsive. My face grows hot. I knew he had been planning to drop me as soon as the situation no longer benefited him, I just hadn't expected it to be so soon.

'You know what? Forget it, I didn't realise you were joking,' I wave a hand, grimacing a smile. It is too good to be true. The linoleum floor feels sticky under my shoes as I try to twist away.

'Hold on Billie,' Ashton steps forward. 'You just surprised me. I didn't think you were actually going to agree to it.'

I halt, glancing back at Ashton. He grins.

'Wait really?' I can't help the grin that stretches across my lips.

'I guess you won't be needing this anymore,' he walks past me, back to the noticeboard and rips down my poster. I stifle a shriek of surprise. 

'Ugh, you're so dramatic,' Frankie says, rolling her eyes. 'Are we done here? Let's go please.'

'Yeah, let's go!' Ashton nods at me.

I stand rooted to the floor as I watch Ashton and Frankie leave. He pauses, glancing back at me over his shoulder. 

'Come on,' he gestures, beckoning at me with a wide arm. 'First lesson is today!'

I hurry to catch up to them.

'Today? Not right now, right?' 

'Oh, not right now, no,' Ashton confirms. 'I'll drop Frankie home first. She's really homesick.'

Frankie shoots a glare through her hair at Ashton.

'Then I'll find you a quiet spot where you can familiarise yourself with the car. Do you have a car? You can use mine for now.'

I have to hurry to keep up with Ashton and Frankie's stride. Despite Frankie's age, she's already taller than me, and Ashton taller than Frankie. I almost feel like a little kid surrounded by adults.

'My dad is giving me his old car.'

'Must be nice,' mumbles Frankie, shooting a glare Ashton's way.

'Give it up,' Ashton shoots back, and she rolls her eyes again, falling silent.

I follow the pair as they lead me down to the student car park. There's only one car left. It's an old, small, white car, with no backdoors. Frankie is there first, a hand possessively gripping the door handle.

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