Chapter Four

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As we'd planned to meet in the library, I wanted to get there early to claim one of the good tables

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As we'd planned to meet in the library, I wanted to get there early to claim one of the good tables. Unfortunately, my class was held back a few minutes. The best tables to work at were in the back, next to the wide windows, but they'd already been taken, so I went for the next best– actually, I went for the only empty table left, in view of the library's entrance. I spread my books across it, opening up some homework while I waited for Ashton to show up.

Despite being late myself, Ashton is another fifteen minutes late. He could've been on time, but he stands in the doorway of the library for ten minutes chatting with one of his friends, Melody, before they part and he finally joins me at the table.

'What are we starting with?' Ashton asks, slapping his books on the table.

'We can start with your homework. What's due first?'

'I have this worksheet for biology due today,' he flips open a workbook and produces a sheet of paper.

'Today?' I feel my face pale.

'Yeah, today. I was pretty busy teaching you how to drive yesterday,' He flashes a grin at me and I blush sheepishly.

'Sorry,' is all I can mumble. 'Let's have a look at it.'

Ashton proves to be a somewhat difficult student. He works hard and fast until he finds a question he can't answer, or a problem he can't solve. Then he gives up and finds something to distract himself with.

'Why can't your parents teach you how to drive?' Ashton asks.

I freeze, avoiding Ashton's piercing gaze.

'This question isn't so hard, Ashton. Look,' I point at the abandoned worksheet in front of him. He's silent for a moment, watching me.

'So you hate public proposals,'

I groan.

'I love 'em,' Ashton grins, leaning back in his chair.

'What?' I'm horrified.

'I love them,' Ashton clarifies, sounding out each syllable. 'If someone did something like that for me, I'd be so flattered. Aw Ryan, you're such a melt.' He holds a hand over his heart and flutters his eyelashes.

I scoff. 'What if it came from someone you didn't like?'

'All the more reason to be flattered. A public proposal for me means they've done their research, they know I'm a sucker for them. And I could never say no to someone trying so hard to appease me.' He suddenly sits up in his chair. 'So you don't like him? At all?'

'Actually, I'm more indifferent. I don't even really know him.'

'Okay, let's say... you did know him, and hypothetically, you liked him, would you still say no?'

'Absolutely. Public kinds of anything like that is a deal-breaker for me. Plus it'd sting even worse if they knew me. If they really knew me, they'd know I detest public proposals. They'd just be proving they don't really know me at all.'

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