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The arrival in King's Landing after a painfully long fornight.

After hearing that Lady was being sent away, Sansa descended furiously on her elder twin, saying things with such a vile tone that Ned Stark was completely shoked with how his innocent daughter knew such language, meanwhile Elowen kept quiet and allowed her twin to say whatever her heart desired, only sushing Arya when she tried to step in.

It was due to what Sansa said that Elowen travelled the last fortnight with the Baratheon household, sharing a carriage with the Queen and her younger children, listening to Princess Myrcella proclaim how Elowen would absolutely love the Red Keep.

Their arrival had the people of King's Landing muttering, wondering why the Starks had left the North, some people waved at the Royal Family as they passed by, throwing flowers in their rirections, flowers that would ultimately end up being trampled by the carriages or the horses.

The carriage came to a stop in the inner court yard of the Keep, allowing everyone to descend for their horses and their carriaged, calmly as servants came forward to help unload the packed carriages.

The King, as per usual did not say any words to his Lady Wife, but he did order his best friend to change for a Council Meeting. The Queen seemed unphased by her husband's actions, in fact, she seemed happy that he was already burying himself in work rather than pay attention to his family. 

As had been decided, Elowen would still be living with the Stark, with her birth family, until her marriage to the Prince, something that Sansa hated. The youngest twin had made it abundantely clear during the their fight in Ruby Ford that Elowen was the one who always got everything, a marriage to Joffrey, her direwolf staying by her side, becoming a Princess.

Wylla was taken to the kennels before Elowen could even see her as she stepped down from the Royal Carriage, taken by the Hound, and with a deep curtsy to the Queen and her youngest children, Elowen joined her Household in moving into the Tower of the Hand.

A large tower that can accommodate the Hand and his household, with several barracks below.

No words were exchanged between the sisters as they unpacked their things, or rather, Sansa and Arya unpacked all of their things, while Elowen only unpacked what was necessary, meaning shoes, night gowns and dresses. The date for the official wedding had yet to be determined, therefore Elowen knew she couldn't completely unpack.

Joffrey watched as his Lady Wife walked towards the Tower of the Hand, avoiding his eyes, much like she had since they were last stopped in Roby Ford. He would be lying if he claimed that he didn't crave the attention that Elowen gave him, he would be lying further if he claimed that he could barely wait to consumate their marriage.

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