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93 days had passed the Royal Family, which now included Elowen, and Lord Stark along with his other two daughters as well as their households and guards left Winterfell. 93 days since the 20th of the fifth month and the 23rd of the seventh month, which also included the long 12 days that it took to cross the Neck.

And they were currently stopped in Ruby Ford, a location named after the rubies that Robert Baratheon, the current King, knocked off the chest plate of the late Rhaegar Targaryen during the Rebellion, north of the confluence of the forks of the Trident and northwest of the crossroads inn.

Lord Stark was conversing with the King about many a topic, the Queen was entertaining her younger children in their tent, Arya was off into the woods near the river and Elowen was walking with Sansa, attempting to bond with her once more.

They'd been sitting in a field, in utter silence, despite Elowen having tried countless of times to apologize to her sister and to get her to return a single word to her, without avail. Despite their silence, the twins made flower crowns with the sprouting and small flowers available to them.

Walking back to where the guards and their families were wasn't long, and as soon as they rounded a corner of tents, close to the doorway to Ruby Ford, they saw a group of girls that were in the Baratheon household braiding their hairs and laughing.

Sansa looked at them, while Elowen looked around, searching for any signs of their father, the girls stopped laughing and looked at Sansa with hard eyes before Elowen turned her eyes to them as well, prompting them to quickly curtsy in reply.

Unfortunately, Sansa turned her head back ahead ad jumped back, her arm straining against the pulling from Lady, and prompted Elowen to quickly step in front of her. An instinct so embedded in her that she did it subconsciously before even knowing who was before them.

But when Elowen looked to the front, before them, she instantly understood why Sansa jumped back. "Pardon us, Sir." Sansa muttered behind Elowen, who still stood before her sister protectively, despite them not being on the best of terms.

Before Elowen could reproach the man that was staring at the twins with wide and beady eyes, someone approached the twins and clasped a hard hand on Sansa's shoulder, making her whirl around to face the person and reach for Elowen's free wrist.

"Do l frighten you so much, girl?" Sandor Clegane, or the Hound as he was famously known, questioned, looking down at Sansa, before his eyes caught the sight of his master's bride-to-be. Elowen's presence prompted him to almost instantly release Sansa's shoulder and move his eyes to the man that had frightened her first before questioning, "Or is it him there making you shake?"

Wylla began growling at the man before Elowen, while Lady growled at the Hound, as Elowen glanced over her shoulder at her Lord Husband's personal Guard briefly before returning to the man before her, pulling Wylla close to her.

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