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Six days had passed since the arrival of the Royal Family, 5 days since Ned Stark accepted the position of Hand of the King and the betrothal that would join their houses . At breakfast, the King had decided that there would be a hunt to celebrate Lord Stark accepting his new position.

The members that would participate in the hunt would be the King, the King's eldest son, Lord Stark, Lord Stark's younger brother, Lord Stark's eldest son, the Queen's younger brother, The Hound and countless of Guards.

Catelyn watched from a window, her heart in her mouth as she played with her wedding ring, Sansa was in the same room as her mother, waiting for her mother to do her hair for the day. Despite knowing that she wasn't the one to marry Prince Joffrey, Sansa still wanted to impress the Prince, and the Queen.

Elowen was standing outside, watching the men mount their horses, holding her fur cloak close to her body, she like her mother was anxious.

Despite her eyes eyeing the people important to her get ready for the hunt, Elowen failed to see the Prince approach her, mounted on his horse, looking much like he did when he arrived in Winterfell the day prior. He didn't block her view of everyone else, instead he stopped his horse next to her standing figure and looked around as well.

Joffrey had been told by his mother that he needed to gain Elowen's favour before their marriage, that he needed to make sure that her mind wouldn't prompt her to beg to not go forward with the wedding. Something that Joffrey was often opposed to, being nice to people without reason.

But after the feast the previous night, and how she'd stood up against his father so brazen and defiantly, telling him things that one could only imagine in their wildest dreams without consequences, Joffrey believed that perhaps, gaining Elowen's favour wouldn't be such a boring and terrible task.

Joffrey wasn't the only one who's mind had been changed by Elowen's actions at the feast. Despite having been originally cordial for political reasons, Queen Cersei's mind about a match between her son and Lady Elowen didn't sound so horrible.

She was well-spoken and didn't seem afraid to speak her mind, the way she reminded her husband of things none had the guts to remind him off as well as praising her beauty, Cersei seemed to change her mind about the eldest of the Stark's girls completely.

"I prayed to the Seven as you suggested." Joffrey told Elowen, making her jump slightly before whirling her head up to Joffrey, her greyish-blue eyes taking a moment to adjust to looking at the grey sky.

"Oh really?" she mused, a small smirk growing on her lips absentmindedly, almost as if she was jesting with her brother or Theon. "And may I inquire for which Stark Lady you prayed for?" her tone was teasing, so unlike all of the people who had talked to Joffrey, who had always been condescending or afraid.

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