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After having kissed Elowen and attempted to include his tongue, Joffrey took a sip of the alcohol that he was carrying, his body still shaking with laughter.

All the feelings that Elowen had been feeling, just a moment prior changed almost instantly as she took notice of how gleeful Joffrey was. Hot fiery anger shot up and down her body as if it were fire itself.

And instead of hiding her anger, Elowen slapped her husband's arm harshly, her glare as icy as the snow in the North. Joffrey jumped out of his skin when he felt her hand connect harshly with his arm, the alcohol that he'd been drinking dripping down his chin and nose as he inhaled it while jumping.

"You can't hit me, I'm the Prince!" He instantly shouted at Elowen, prompting Wylla to lose the friendly demeanour and growl in warning at the Prince. The Prince's green eyes glanced down at the direwolf, that had decided to sit while the two stopped walking, before returning his eyes to Elowen icy blue ones.

"I can hit you, I'm your wife." Elowen replied, her anger evident in her tone, "And as your wife, I'm warning you that next time you do something like that I will slap you across the face, title, position and Crown be damned."

Her reaction shouldn't have shocked the Royal Prick, but it did. With his free hand, Joffrey rubbed his arm, where Elowen had slapped it and his eyes analyzed Elowen's stiff and angry figure. He was surprised more than he was shocked in all honesty, he expected all reactions besides the one in which he got hit.

And if truth were to be told, he had half expected Elowen to burst out crying in fear, or run away from him, but never did he expect her to smack him. Elowen huffed in frustration and kneeled down, petting Wylla and calming her down, while shooting Joffrey a nasty look.

Joffrey opened his mouth to say something, perhaps to say something akin to alerting her that he had as much right to do what he pleased to her as she had of hitting him, even more so as he was the Prince. But whatever he was about to say was drowned by Wylla's low growls.

Despite the direwolves forming a close bond with the Stark children, they were still wild beast by nature and heart, and therefore many did not trust the animals as far as they would have them chase a bone, but due to their nurture by the Stark children, the Stark Household knew that there was nothing that the wolves would not do to protect their humans.

The sound of wood hitting wood caught the attention of all three beings, although mainly the humans as they turned their heads in the direction that the sound seemed to be coming from. They knew that theoretically they were safe and protected as the Kingsguard had secured a perimeter around the location that they were staying in, but it didn't prevent the small feeling of dread that grew in them as the sound grew closer to them.

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