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To say that all adults were pleased with the true was an understatement. The King and the Hand shared a look that comunicated the realief they felt that Elowen had spoken the truth, while the Queen stared at Elowen carefully, attempting to see if she was lying.

Elowen stood nerveously before the King, rubbing her palms on her nightgown as well as chewing on her lower lip. She looked like a child waiting ot be scolded.

"Did anything else happen?" the Queen asked, curiosity peaking as she read the young girl's reaction.

"Yes-" Elowen confessed, "After my sister disappeared, I walked into the river to retrieve the Prince's sword, that's why I was almost dry after being soaked to the bone when her Majesty the Queen found the Prince and I in the Maester's tent."

Cersei looked over to her son, watching as he barely nodded while staring at his Lady.

"I want the youngest punished. Dutifully so for having attacked the Prince and setting her beast on him." Cersei said, looking at her husband. "Had Lady Elowen not been with the Prince, the Seven can only know what would have happened to Joffrey."

"What would you have me do? Whip her through the streets?" The King countered, barely sparing a glace in his wife's direction. "Dammit, children fight. It's over."

"Joffrey will bear these scars for the rest of his life." Cersei replied angrily, annoyed that her husband was not stepping up to his fatherly role.

"So will Elowen, the scar that her husband gave her. What will you do about that my Queen?" Ned snapped back, angry that the Queen only wanted justice for what one of his daughters had done to her son, instead of also seeking justice for what the Prince did to his wife.

"The wedding will be pushed back and Joffrey will not be knighted until the day of the wedding." Cersei replied, calmly as if she was just stating the latest fashion trend.

"Pushing back the wedding is a punishment for Elowen as well, not only the Prince." Ned countered, glancing at the Prince while restraining his emotions.

Cersei opened her mouth to retaliate when the King oredered her quiet once more.

"Ned see to it that your daughter is disciplined, we will discipline the Prince accordingly as well." The King finalized, rubbing his loing beard, appearing content with the solution that he thought of.

As Ned agreed, the King stood up to leave, believing that the matter was over. Unfortunately, the Queen didn't agree, as she reminded the King "What of the beast that maimed your son?"

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