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Anyone that wasn't drunk or otherwise entertained could see Ser Jaime Lannister, a member of the Kingsguard and the Queen's twin brother, approach their gracious host, stopping him in his path, even when Ned attempts to sidestep him.

"I hear we might be neighbours." Ser Jaime stated, leaning closer to the older man so that there was no chance that the Lord of Winterfell didn't hear him. "I hope it's true."

"Yes, the King has honoured me with his offer." Ned replied, detesting the fact that he was feeling even more caged. The party on it's own was punishment enough, but being stopped when he tried to get some air was cruel.

"I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title-" Jaime replied, tilting his head to the side, like a lion watching his prey, "If you accept that is."

The Knight smiles slightly before continuing, "It will be good to have you on the field. The competition has become a bit stale."

Ned knew that the eldest male Lannister was trying to get under his skin, especially given he was leaning in slightly and looking down on him, looking down mainly because he was taller than Ned was currently.

"I don't fight in tournaments." Ned replied, looking around them, but when the Queen's brother teased his denial of fighting with a mock about his age, Ned turned his head straight at the younger man and replied as cordially as he could.

"I don't fight in tournaments, because when I truly come face to face with a man in a fight, I don't want him to know what I can do." Lord Stark's words held meaning, and a hint of a threat directed at the person that he was speaking with.

Something that Jaime Lannister picked up on and replied as he leaned back slightly "Well said."

It was only after Jaime felt that he conversation had ran it's course that he allowed his host to leave, but never did he take his eyes off his figure as he watched him disappear into the crowds.

The youngest of the Stark Ladies had decided that she'd been playing nice for long enough as she watched her second older sister talking animatedly with her best friend. Which prompted her to scoop food onto her spoon and fling it directly to Sansa.

The shot hit its mark on Sansa's cheek, dropping instantly onto the dress that she'd made herself.

Sansa, as always, screeched her younger sister's name as her best friend sprung into action, cleaning her face with a cloth that she had on her while Sansa complained, tears welling in her eyes.

Robb, who'd been laughing either at what happened or at something Theon or Elowen told him, happened to turn his head and catch his mother looking at him with a stern look, and watching as she tilted her head in Arya's direction discreetly.

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