Chapter 54 | T w o L i n e s

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This is the second chapter, of today's update

This is the second chapter, of today's update

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Me and Harry are back from our honeymoon.

We went to Thailand, Bali, and some places in Africa.

Over the last week that we have been back I have been feeling weird.

First I thought that was the jet lag and all the food we ate, but I don't know anymore.

It's 4h07 am, and I'm in the bathroom for the second day throwing up.

I opened one of the cabinets to find a new toothbrush and came across a box of tampons.

Not any box, but an unopened one.

I sit back on my toes looking at it.

"There's no way!" I say under my breath.

I grab the toothbrush, do my business, and go back to bed, with the task of buying a pregnancy test first thing tomorrow.

I'm at home alone, more precisely sat on the floor of mine and Hazza's bathroom with two different pregnancy tests facing the floor.

The time never passed so slowly.

I'm nervous because I don't want to get my hopes up and for there to be negative.

The timer on my phone goes off.

I take a deep breath and grab the tests




I flip them over

Two lines

I'm pregnant.

I start crying.

I don't know how long I sat there crying with the test in my hands, till Harry entered the bathroom

"I was calling for you!" he says

He looks at me, with tears on my face

"What's wrong?!" worry on his face

I look up at him and then down to the tests, I repeat this more two times, till I give him the two sticks.

He grabs it confused.

"what is..." he was saying till he saw what I just handed him

"Are you serious?" he says with a teary voice

I can only nod

He squats down beside me on the floor

"Are you actually pregnant?!" I od again with a smile matching his

He starts crying

We lace each other in a hug and he whispers repeatedly in my ear

"Thank you so much! I'm so proud of you!"

And I whisper

"I'm so in love with you"

After a few moments, we break away

Harry lays his forehead on mine

"We are gonna be parents!"

"We are gonna be parents" I repeat after him

"You're gonna be my MILF!"

And as the words leave his mouth I back away

"You do know how to ruin a moment!" I say laughing

"Did I lie!" he says sassily

I stand up and Harry raises to his knees, brings my shirt up, and kisses my belly gently

"Hi, bubby! You need to behave in mommy's belly! We can't wait to meet you!"

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