Chapter 11 | B i r t h d a y P a r t y

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We are back in London for a few days!

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We are back in London for a few days!

Today is my birthday and Harry's second Wembley show.

It makes me so happy that I'm celebrating it here, my new home!

Jules prepared me breakfast in the morning and gave me a bouquet with polaroids of us two.

She's the best, I'm so happy to have her in my life!

Today I'm wearing a two-piece set: a skirt and a bralette top, they are black with diamonds on top of it.

I'm going a little extra today because me and Jules are going out after the show. "you only make 25 once in your life."

Harry Freaking Styles is singing an acoustic version of Love of My Life and my heart can't keep up!

If you ever went to a Harry show, you know that he has a part of the concert where he reads out signs.

Jules has a cardboard from her tote bag that says: Her birthday is today! Make all the stadium sing her Happy Birthday.

Harry is currently in front of us when he sees Jules's sign. "This one says it's her birthday. Hi! Whose birthday is it?"

Jules points at me "Hers"

"Hi, Is it your birthday?" He asks me


"What's your name, sorry"

I smile "Marta"

"Marta! Beautiful name" I blush

"Wembley what do you say we sing Marta happy birthday?" the crowd screams and I laugh

"Well, Marta! Are you going out after this?"

"Of course"

"Of course! Wembley at the count of three, sing as loud as you can! 1, 2, 3 ...happy..."

"Happy birthday Marta, I hope you had a great day, and enjoy the rest of the night"

I smile at him "Thank you so much, I will!"

Me and Jules each have a cup in our hands as we walk to our apartment.

"Thank you for today, you have made it 10 times better," I say to Jules.

She smiles "I'm awesome like that." We laugh and continue our journey.

I have never been this happy!

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