Chapter 28 | C a n I K i s s Y o u

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The other day when I was on the phone with Marta, she was telling me about a TikTok about things to see in the UK as a One Direction fan

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The other day when I was on the phone with Marta, she was telling me about a TikTok about things to see in the UK as a One Direction fan.

She had gone to all the places but one - Home Chaples.

So that's exactly where we are headed right now!

This trip is making me nostalgic and is feeling so intimate.

"I'm so happy, that I get to do this with you!" Marta says as we exit the car

"Me too! So the first thing that we are visiting is the bakery where I worked when I was younger!" I say with a content smile on my face

"Lead the way!"

We are walking to the shop and little by little I reach for her hand till we are walking hand in hand. And I won't fail to notice the smile on her face when that happens, and a feeling of relief fills me.

I open the door and step aside for Marta to enter. The moment I step into the shop I hear


I turn to the balcoWhat'sd notice...

"Barbara!" I say with my arms wide open as I walk towards her.

"It's so good to see you!" She squeezes me tight

I look behind and reach for Marta so I can introduce them

"Barbara, this is Marta! Marta, this is Barbara!"

"Hi, nice to meet you!" M says a little shyly

"Hi, darling! Harry finally brought a woman for us to meet!" She teases

We stayed in the bakery a few times, till we headed to the place that got famous because of the 1D movie.

We are walking hand in hand when she speaks

"I'm feeling so calm and happy here with you! I was expecting to be nervous and not knowing out to act, because this feels so intimate! But you are making these very enjoyable!" She says as she looks at me

"So thank you!"

I stop her and look at her like I can't believe what is happening right now! And after a few moments, I say

"Can I kiss you?"

Her cheeks are red and she gives me a small nod and says

"I would appreciate that very much!"

I laugh grab her face and bring my lips to hers.

The moment is calm, beautiful, peaceful. I wouldn't want it any other way. In my childhood town, in a place that I came to when I wanted to feel like she makes me feel! And as much as that is scary, it is also relieving!

We break apart and join our foreheads.

"Thank you for liking the real me. Thank you for making me so happy. Thank you for being you!" I say and a single tear rolls down her face and panic hits me.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried

"For a long time, I thought that I wasn't worth it, that I was the problem. In the last few months we talked you showed me what love is. I'm so happy!" she says looking at me with so much emotion.

I kiss her again and say

"You are worth so much! And I will pass every day showing you if you let me!"

She hugs me and we continue our journey

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