Chapter 41 | I t ' s O v e r O v e r

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Today is the day of the launch of 'Glitz Pearlz', and the small boutique that I'm opening to sell jewelry

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Today is the day of the launch of 'Glitz Pearlz', and the small boutique that I'm opening to sell jewelry.

I'm on my way there to set everything up.

I'm on my way there to set everything up

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The store is full, and people are not just liking but also buying. 

I'm on cloud nine.

I'm restoring a few rings when someone touches my shoulder. I turn around and I'm met with Harry.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" I ask shocked

"I came to support you!" he says like it's obvious

Everyone is watching him, watching us. And I hate the feeling.

"You need to leave. I hate the reaction! But thank you for taking a minute of your time to pass by!" I say 

He nods and whispers "Text me when you are back at home, please!"


After that, the day goes by smoothly. Jules came in and helped me for the rest of the day.

"That's a wrap!" I say as I close the door

"You did amazing. I'm so proud of you! I like to see you this happy!" she says while hugging me

"I wished I had the energy to celebrate, but I just want to go to my bed!"

When we got back to the apartment I sent Harry a text, he saw it but didn't reply.

The last weeks have been awful, the amount of pictures of him and Taylor is painful. And I don't know what is real and what is fake anymore.

There's a knock on my door "Yes?!"

Jules opens the door and says

"Harry is at the front door can I let him in?"


After a few seconds, Harry enters my room, closes the door, and takes a seat at the end of the bed.

He takes a deep breath

"I'm sorry for showing up the way I did today!"

"It's ok.."

"No, let me finish! It's not okay! But I was so proud of you and I had something important to tell you, so I went to see you!"

"It is okay, you can't control the way people react to you. I'm just not used to the attention!" I say as I reach for his hand

"You said you had something to tell me!"

"Yes! I love you! And this Taylor thing is ridiculous. So I talked with her and

Harry's POV

I'm on my way to meet Taylor and hopefully for the last time!

"Hey!" I say as I approach her


We start walking

"I need to talk to you about something. We are both adults and I think we both can see that what we are doing is for the sake of the contract and that reason alone." I take a deep breath and continue

"When we signed the contract I was dating this amazing girl. a girl that I love, like I never loved anyone. And because of the NDA, I broke her trust. We broke up, but I can't keep doing these knowing that she will see and that I keep hurting her." I stop and turn to her

"So I'm asking you to terminate the contract. I can't wait two more weeks to be back with the woman I want to be with forever. So if you have a little respect towards me, I'm asking you to terminate the contract!" I finish

Taylor grabs her phone, taps something, and brings it to her ear.

"Hi, Christine! I wanted to talk to you about the contract with Harry! The shows are over, I want to have someone by my side who loves me, not someone who is faking. I'm in the age of finding a partner and it's not like this that I will succeed. So what do we have to do to end this?"

Someone on the other side is talking and Taylor is nodding

"Okay, thank you send that to them. I will prepare Harry so it's not a shock. Bye!" She hangs up, turns to me

"It's over. You just have to sign the paper that she will send to Jeff today!"

"Thank you, Taylor. You deserve someone who loves you!"

"Yeah! I do!"

Marta's POV

When Harry finishes I launch myself at him and we fall on the floor laughing

"So it's over over?" I say looking down at him

"Yes! It's over over!"

"Finally!" I say we laugh

"Can I kiss you?!" he asks, I nod

He brings his lips to mine in a tender and passionate kiss.

Author's note:

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Author's note:

My babies are back together!!💌

And prepare yourself for the next chapters!😶‍🌫️

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