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Jeonghan trudged along the familiar streets of Ilsan, his heart heavy with the weight of disrespect and disappointment. The bitter words exchanged with his father still echoed in his mind, leaving a trail of wounds that ran deep. He needed solace, a refuge from the storm that raged within him, and there was no better place than the comforting embrace of his childhood home.

As Jeonghan entered his house, the air hung heavy with tension. His mother, sensing his distress, greeted him with a concerned look. "Jeonghan, what happened?" she inquired, her voice soft and filled with worry.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he recounted the hurtful encounter with his father. "He disrespected me, Mother, treated me as if my dreams were worthless," he confessed, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions.

"You are no son of mine if you choose the path of dishonor. Leave this palace, and do not return until you learn the consequences of your actions."

His mother reached out, gently embracing him. "Oh, my son, your actions are not worthless. You are capable of achieving greatness. Don't let anyone belittle your aspirations."

In that tender moment, a sudden realization struck Jeonghan. He couldn't allow his family to endure the toxicity that lingered within the walls of his home. Determination sparked in his eyes as he looked at his mother. "I cannot stay here and watch you suffer, Mother. I need to make things right for all of us."

His mother's eyes reflected a mix of sadness and understanding. "If leaving is what you feel is best, my son, I support you. But promise me you'll find happiness and success."

With a heavy heart, Jeonghan packed his belongings, bidding farewell to the home that held both cherished memories and painful scars. As he embarked on his journey, the weight of his decision pressed upon him, but he knew it was a necessary step for the betterment of his family.

As he walked through the streets of Ilsan, whispers of judgment followed him like a haunting melody. Passersby pointed fingers, casting shadows of shame upon him. Jeonghan, however, remained steadfast, fueled by the conviction that he was doing what was right for his family.

In the midst of the gossip, a group of youngsters gathered, their mocking laughter piercing through the air. "Look who's back! Couldn't handle the truth, so he runs away like a coward," one sneered.

Jeonghan paused, his fists clenched in frustration. "I'm not running away; I'm trying to break free from a cycle of pain. My family deserves better."

The words fell on deaf ears as the mockery intensified. Jeonghan pressed on, determination overshadowing the humiliation he faced. Every step away from Ilsan felt like a step toward redemption, a chance to rewrite the narrative for his family's future.

As he reached the outskirts of town, an elderly woman approached him with a knowing smile. "Young man, don't let the opinions of others define your worth. Sometimes, you must walk away to find the path that leads to true happiness."

Touched by her wisdom, Jeonghan nodded gratefully. "Thank you for the encouragement. I will forge a new path for myself and my family."

The road ahead was uncertain, but Jeonghan walked with newfound purpose. He knew that breaking free from the expectations of society required resilience. As the distant echoes of laughter faded, he embraced the solitude, his focus set on creating a brighter future for the ones he loved.

In the distance, Ilsan became a mere silhouette against the horizon. Jeonghan's heart ached with the pain of leaving, but he carried with him the hope that, one day, his family would understand the sacrifices he made for their betterment.

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