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Jeonghan gazed across the vast sea, the salty breeze tousling his ebony hair as he stood on the seashore of Jeju Island. Leaving the Hanmyeong Kingdom of Korea had not been an easy decision, but a longing for adventure had led him here. As he contemplated his next move, a voice disrupted his thoughts.

"Hey! Who are you, and what are you doing here?" challenged a spirited voice. Jeonghan turned to find Boo Seungkwan, a feisty and suspicious islander, eyeing him with skepticism.

"I'm Jeonghan," he replied calmly, but Seungkwan's suspicion only intensified.

"Jeonghan? I don't buy it. You look like an imposter! What's your real name?" Seungkwan demanded, crossing his arms.

Thinking on his feet, Jeonghan decided to adopt an alias. "Fine, fine! My name is Seungmin. Happy now?" he declared, adopting a defensive stance.

Seungkwan squinted at him for a moment before a sly grin crossed his face. "Seungmin, huh? Alright, Seungmin, let's see if you're as tough as you claim to be."

What followed was a lively scuffle between the two, each trying to prove their strength and authenticity. The commotion caught the attention of nearby villagers, who gathered to witness the spectacle.

As the dust settled, Seungkwan chuckled, a newfound respect in his eyes. "Not bad, Seungmin. I guess you're not an imposter after all."

Jeonghan smirked. "Told you so. Now, can you show me around? I'm new here and looking for a place to stay."

Seungkwan, intrigued by the stranger's request, decided to help him. "Sure, Seungmin! Follow me, and I'll introduce you to the villagers. We'll find you a place to live."

And so, under the guise of Seungmin, Jeonghan began his new life on Jeju Island. Seungkwan led him through the quaint village, introducing him to the locals who eyed the newcomer with curiosity. Jeonghan, now Seungmin, engaged in light-hearted conversations and exchanged pleasantries.

As days turned into weeks, Seungkwan and "Seungmin" became unlikely friends. Seungkwan, determined to help the newcomer settle in, offered assistance in building a house.

"Seungmin, we need to find a suitable spot for your house. How about that clearing near the hills?" suggested Seungkwan, pointing towards a serene location.

Grateful for the support, Jeonghan nodded. "That looks perfect. Let's get started."

The villagers joined forces, working together to construct Seungmin's new home. Amidst the hammering and laughter, bonds were forged, and Jeonghan found himself growing fond of the vibrant community.

However, the web of lies began to weave a complex tapestry. Jeonghan, now deeply entrenched in his alternate identity, struggled with the guilt of deceiving the kind-hearted villagers.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Seungkwan approached him with a knowing look. "Seungmin, there's something you're not telling us, isn't there?"

"Nothing much, just bitter past" Jeonghan laughed it off.

👑The Royal Affairs ⚔️| jeongcheol ff|svt ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang