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"why did he even ran that fast?" Jeonghan exclaimed tired of running.
He then just spotted a huge door of room in corner opened. "He must hiding in room." He murmered to himself and ran towards the corner.


Few Minutes Before.

Seungcheol were looking for younger sibling everywhere running from corridor to corridor, as he spotted the store room in  corner , the though of younger hiding there cross his mind.

"Come with me there." He asked one of the servant to follow . When they reach there the door was all rusty dusty.
"I don't think young Prince would be here." State the servant after eyeing the close room rusty door.

Prince order him to open the door but after not maintained for long, the door is getting hard to open.

"I will call the people for help." Said the servant, after nod of agreement from Prince he walks away to find the help.

'I should try to atleast ' Prince thought and use his force to atleast open the door little bit and Alas! He successfully did it.
Smiling on his little accomplishments he fit his body in gap and moved inside.

Jeonghan also pass through the gap and entered the room ,but to his dismay he find lack of light to work properly.But just figure moved in front of him.' Who is in this place other than me?' He thought ready to fight the other being but halted when he recognised the face.

In the store room of the royal palace, Prince Seungcheol and Jeonghan found themselves in an unexpected predicament. A game of there younger brothers reasoned for sealing the fate of the prince and the governor's son.

As the heavy door clicked shut behind them, Seungcheol and Jeonghan exchanged puzzled glances, their eyes locking in the dim light. The air in the storeroom was thick with the scent of ancient books and forgotten treasures, creating an intimate atmosphere that neither could ignore.

"I suppose we're in quite the predicament," Prince Seungcheol remarked with a charming smile, attempting to make light of the situation.

Jeonghan chuckled, the sound resonating through the small space. "Indeed, Your Highness. It seems we're at the mercy of a stubborn door."

As they searched for a way to escape, their hands brushed against each other in the dim light, sending a shiver down both their spines. Seungcheol's heart quickened at the unexpected touch, and he couldn't help but notice the warmth that lingered on his fingertips.

In the midst of their exploration, Seungcheol's gaze fell upon a dusty tapestry draped across a forgotten crate. It depicted a romantic scene of starlit lovers, and a mischievous grin played on his lips.

"Look at this," he said, gesturing toward the artwork. "It seems we're not the first to find ourselves in such close quarters."

Jeonghan joined him, and their eyes met again, this time with a hint of curiosity and something more. The tapestry seemed to cast a spell over them, setting the stage for a moment neither had anticipated.

As they continued to inspect the storeroom's treasures, they stumbled upon an old lute, its strings seemingly untouched by time. Seungcheol, feeling adventurous, decided to serenade their temporary confinement, playing a soft melody that echoed in the confined space.

Jeonghan, enchanted by the impromptu serenade, couldn't resist the urge to dance. In the confined space, their movements were graceful and intimate, a silent language spoken between two souls drawn together by chance.

Lost in the dance and the soft music, the initial worry of being trapped faded away. It was as if time stood still within those storeroom walls, allowing Seungcheol and Jeonghan to discover a connection that transcended their royal and provincial backgrounds.

Minutes later when servant came back to find the Prince to inform the him about successful attempt to find younger brother of his,He couldn't find him.

After a long time when the palace staff with help of Jisoo finally discovered the missing duo and released them from their unplanned sanctuary, Seungcheol and Jeonghan emerged with flushed cheeks and shared glances that spoke of a newfound understanding.

Little did they know that the storeroom mishap would become the beginning of a secret bond, a shared memory that would forever linger in their hearts, reminding them of the unexpected romance that blossomed in the hidden corners of the royal palace.

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