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6 months before..

As the months passed, Jisoo found himself immersed in the responsibilities of his older brother Jeonghan. Jisoo, working tirelessly to fill the void, also assisted his father, the Governor of Ilsan.

One day, under the weight of mounting responsibilities and the relentless search for Jeonghan, Jisoo found himself at the riverside, the flowing water mirroring the turbulence within him. Emotions overwhelmed him, and he couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy.

Seokmin, the son of the Governor of Daegu, happened to be in Ilsan for a visit jisoo to tell him his unexpected scene with Jeonghan. Walking by the riverside, he noticed Jisoo's despondent figure and approached with concern. "Jisoo, right? . I've heard about you from villagers. Are you okay?"

Jisoo looked up, surprise mingling with the sadness in his eyes. "Seokmin? What brings you here?"

Seokmin sat down beside him, guessing the current situation he avoid to mention his encounter with Jeonghan, "I heard about your struggles, and I thought you could use a friend. Is everything alright?"

Jisoo sighed, letting the weight of his emotions spill out. "It's just too much, Seokmin. I can't find Jeonghan, and everything I do seems to fall apart. I miss my brother, and I feel like I'm failing everyone."

Seokmin, empathetic to Jisoo's pain, spoke gently, "You're not alone, Jisoo. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, but you're stronger than you think. Sometimes, we all need a little help to see the light in the darkness."

Jisoo wiped away a stray tear, looking at Seokmin with a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "What do you mean?"

Seokmin smiled, "Let me share something with you. When I was younger, I struggled too. I felt like I was drowning in expectations. But then, someone reached out to me and showed me a different path."

With sincerity in his eyes, Seokmin continued, "Jisoo, you have to find your own path. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and don't let the weight of the world define you. Take a step back, breathe, and you'll see that there are people who care about you."

Jisoo pondered Seokmin's words, the weight on his shoulders feeling a little less burdensome. "It's just hard, Seokmin. I don't want to let my family down."

Seokmin placed a comforting hand on Jisoo's shoulder. "You're doing your best, Jisoo. Your family knows that, and they love you for it. But you also need to take care of yourself. Find a balance, and don't forget that you deserve happiness too."

Feeling a newfound sense of camaraderie, Jisoo smiled through his lingering sadness. "Thank you, Seokmin. Your words mean a lot."

Seokmin chuckled, "Anytime, Jisoo. And hey, don't forget that it's okay to lean on others. We're all navigating through this journey called life."

In the following weeks, Jisoo took Seokmin's advice to heart. He started seeking support from those around him, delegating tasks when needed, and allowing himself moments of respite. The burden began to ease, and a glimmer of hope rekindled within him.

As he continued his work alongside his father, the Governor of Ilsan, Jisoo discovered that balancing duty and personal well-being was the key to finding a way forward. With Seokmin's friendship and guidance, he not only found strength in vulnerability but also learned that sometimes, the journey to self-discovery requires reaching out to others.

While the search for Jeonghan remained a priority, Jisoo now faced the challenges with a newfound resilience, inspired by the support of unexpected friendships and the understanding that, despite the hardships, life held the promise of brighter days ahead.

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