Soon, they reached Lisa's house and Taehyung stopped the car. "Thank you, Mr.Kim." Lisa said and took off the seat belt fastly. She quickly went outside of the car but stopped when she heard a voice from behind "Lisa-ssi, listen to me. "Taehyung called her from behind. Lisa turned around and looked at him "Do you have the chocolate, that you gave me back in the hospital?" Lisa nodded and asked "Yes, why?"  "Can I have it? I don't have anything to eat in car." Lisa took out the chocolate out of her bag and went towards Taehyung. "Here you go, Mr.Kim." She gave the chocolate to Taehyung and turned around to walk inside her home. Taehyung kept staring at her and went to sit inside his car. Throughout his ride to home, he kept thinking about Lisa and kept eating the chocolate given by Lisa.

 As Taehyung reached home, he met Jimin, who was waiting for him at the dinner table. "Wanna get slapped before eating dinner or after eating dinner?" Jimin asked him with an annoyed face. Taehyung laughed and sat down on the dining table "Sorry, I know I am late. I was dropping someone to their home that's why I got late. Did you wait for me? Aigooooo, my Jiminie waited for me to eat dinner. So cute." Taehyung pulled his cheeks and Jimin pushed his hands away "No, I have already eaten dinner with Hoseok hyung. Go and wash your hands first and then eat dinner. Stupid ass." Taehyung  ate food and then both of them went off to sleep. As Taehyung lay in bed, the memory of Lisa's presence filled him with a sense of warmth and curiosity, igniting a spark of anticipation for the unknown journey that lay ahead.

In Jimin's Office:-

Jimin entered his office and went inside his cabin. As he entered his cabin, he saw Hoseok standing there, working on his tablet. "Good Morning, Hoseok hyung." Hoseok looked at him and replied "Good morning to you too, Jimin. I have to remind you that you delayed a meeting with Jeon Co. which has to be done today and you have 2 meetings today, one with Lee group and the other with the Finance department of our company. 1 more week for  Christmas to come, after that all the work places will be shout down so we have to work on the reports given to us by all the departments. There are a lot of employees who want to take leaves so you have a meeting with the HR also but that's tomorrow. Jimin nodded understandingly "Alright, hyung. Got it. Also, I have to tell you about someone and a deal with that someone so let's go for dinner after this. What say?" Hoseok made a suspicious face "Wait, what company is this?" Jimin smiled warmly and said "It is not a company, it's about a girl. I will talk to you at dinner. Okay?" Hoseok smirked and said "Alright, Park Jimin let's go for dinner. " Jimin rolled his eyes and Hoseok went outside. Later in the evening, Jimin finished all of his meetings and then went outside with Hoseok to eat something delicious and talk about someone who is very beautiful.

In the Restaurant:-

Jimin and Hoseok finished their work and were now sitting in a restaurant. "So, tell me about the girl." Hoseok asked. Jimin gulped the food and started talking "Umm, it's not exactly a love story. I saw her in the hospital. Her son-" Before Jimin could complete, Hoseok interrupted him. "Wait, SON? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? SHE HAS A SON?!!JIMIN-" Before Hoseok could complete, Jimin slapped his face lightly. "Hyung let me complete. Ugh." Hoseok became silent and motioned him to speak. "Hyung, look she has a son who is sick. She is a single mother. Eomma wants me to get married soon and Rosé needs money for her son's sickness so we took this decesion. We will be getting married and if our relationship doesn't turn out to be a healthy and a good relationship then we will get divorced. Simple and straightforward." Jimin explained the whole situation to Hoseok who nodded several times while listening to this. "So she needs money and you need a woman to be your wife. Makes sense. But, is this gonna be a contract marriage?" Jimin nodded while drinking and gulped it. Hoseok smirked and said "I love it. The contract marriage and everything. She is not after your money, right?" Jimin shook his head immediately "No, no. She even mentioned this while we were talking about this and I told her that I will take care of this. I was really fascinated. You know, the way she was so straightforward and Frank." Hoseok smiled cheekily and looked at Jimin "Let me tell you something, Loverboy. It is clear as day that you like her." Jimin smiled and looked at Hoseok with an annoyed face "Whatever, hyung. Enough about this deal. Let's talk about you. When will you get into a relationship?" Hoseok kept his mug on the table and said "Jimin, I am bisexual but I don't wanna date a girl. I want to try dating a man. It's a little bit adventurous according to me." Jimin listened to him and replied "Hyung, let me introduce you to a man who is gay and exact opposite of you and you and I, both of us know that opposites attract so I am gonna get you his number and you're gonna get into a relationship and have babies with him." Hoseok smacked his head and said "Shut the fuck up, Jimin but yeah do give me his number." Jimin laughed and their dinner and both of them went home afterwards.

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