Chapter Seven: Part 2

Start from the beginning

The detective studied Mrs. Adesenya carefully, trying to decide if she was telling the truth. Finally, he said, "I'm glad to hear that."

"Well, now that's settled, Meshach can go home with you," the detective continued.
Meshach felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. His plan had failed again. He followed his aunt out of the station, trying not to show his frustration.

As they left, the detective watched them go. He still wasn't sure if Mrs. Adesenya was telling the truth, but he had no evidence to prove otherwise. As the car pulled out of the station, Meshach could feel the tension in the air. His aunt was fuming and refused to look at him. He knew he was in trouble, but he didn't know what to do. Should he try to explain himself? Or should he just stay silent and hope for the best?

"You have some explaining to do, Meshach," his aunt said through gritted teeth. "I want to know why you ran away."
Meshach took a deep breath and considered his options. He knew he had to say something, but what?

During the drive home, Meshach and Mrs. Adesenya sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Meshach felt guilty and ashamed of what he had done, while Mrs. Adesenya was feeling angry and betrayed.

When they arrived home, Mrs. Adesenya began raising her voice as she spoke to Meshach.

"You had the audacity to threaten my children's lives and run away from home," she said. And if that wasn't enough, you also lied to the detective. You made me look like a fool there for a moment. This night, I'm going to deal with you. By the way, how were you able to contact your late mom's friend," she asked. Meshach could not say anything out of fear. he just stood mute.

"Answer me, you idiot," she shouted angrily.

Meshach began to stammer.
"I-I-I found my mother's contact book," he finally said.
"Oh, so that's why you ran away in the morning," Mrs. Adesenya said. "Where is that book? Give it to me."
"Here it is," Meshach said, reluctantly handing her the book that he had hidden under his shirt.
"So, you've been hiding the book in your shirt. Well, I know what to do," Mrs. Adesenya said. "I'll burn that book, and then you won't be able to come up with any more plans to run away. You idiot." Her voice was harsh.

As all this was going on, Jacob and Theresa remained unfazed. They continued watching TV, despite the shouting. That night, Meshach received the worst beating of his life, and he couldn't sleep well. The next morning, his aunt ordered him to burn his mother's contact book in front of her. As the book burned, Meshach wanted to cry, but no tears came.

The next three weeks were a living hell for Meshach. He sank into a deep depression and began to contemplate taking his own life. "If I'm dead, I guess all this will end," he thought. "I'd rather die than go through this torment any longer." He didn't know how he would find the strength to keep going.

One Sunday morning, his aunt drove him to the edge by slapping him for stepping on her dress, which he hadn't done deliberately. Instead of apologizing like he usually did, Meshach went straight to the kitchen. His aunt was shocked by his sudden action, and to her surprise, he emerged holding a knife. Her children, who saw him holding the knife, were startled.

"Are you going to kill me or all of us?" Mrs. Adesenya asked, fear in her voice. "No, I'm not a murderer," Meshach said. "I'm just going to end my life. Right here, right now."

Mrs. Adesenya knew that if Meshach dies under her custody, she will be in trouble. So, she began to beg Meshach not to kill himself. Meshach did not listen to her.

As tears ran down his cheeks, Meshach raised the knife to his stomach, preparing to end his life. Mrs. Adesenya and her children froze in place, as if time itself had stopped. Then, Meshach realized that he was the only one moving.
He then paused, still holding the knife. He scanned everywhere, and his eyes fell on a mystical being who sat on a chair in the right-hand corner of the living room."

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