You're The One, You're All I Ever Wanted

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The moment your lips grace Leon's, it was like each of your senses were overwhelmed in the most delightful way. Though his, which were slightly chapped, completely engulfed your whole being. You locked onto one another, desperate for the other party as if they were more important to your-- and his-- survival than oxygen itself.

The contact felt nothing short of perfect, it was a prime example of mutualism-- you needed him, and he needed you. Time seemed to both slow, and speed to an impossible degree as you kissed, leaving you reeling. Everything about this was perfectly contradictory in the best way possible.

Leon's hands made contact with your face, their calloused warmth heating your being to an impossible degree as he deepened the kiss. You placed your hands on him in return, not even sure where they went, but you needed to have your hands on him.

While everything about this moment was so perfect, and you didn't want it to end, you both unfortunately needed true oxygen to survive. Neither of you wished to break the kiss, but it had to be done. You both pull away, chests left panting in a desperate attempt to fill back with air.

All you can do is stare into Leon's eyes, his forget me not irises piercing your soul in the best way imaginable. His eyes drank in the sight of you, your swollen lips, heated cheeks and disheveled hair. Leon couldn't help but smile, as he thought you've never looked more perfect.

After the two of you equalize your breathing, all you can do is stare at eachother, with blown pupils. Neither of you shared a single word, basking in the silence and presence of the other. Time slowly seemed to return to normal, your senses began reeling their back to reality.

As you gazed into Leon's eyes, you didn't even know where to begin. You wanted to apologize to him for what you just did, for how you acted, for putting you both in danger-- for nearly everything that's happened in the past hour. You open your mouth to speak, yet there isn't a single word that comes out. You're left bobbing your mouth open and shut like a fish. You know what you want to say, just... not how to say it. Tenderly, you croak your best apology.

"Leon, I'm... so sorry for everyt--"

"Don’t even try to apologize right now," he softly whispers your name, drawing himself closer to you and holding comfortable eye contact with you.

"Hey, hey, hey," he hushes you gently, "we already went through this-- you don't have to explain yourself any more, but if it makes you feel better," Leon pauses with a gentle smile. He leans in, pushing some of your hair away, and plants another gentle kiss on your forehead. His hand rests against your face, the secure contact alone leaving you winded.

"I forgive you." He whispers against you, the air from his words ghosting your skin in the most intoxicating way. He pulls back, looking you up and down, a true sense of wonder can be seen in his eyes. His thumb rubs comforting circles along your cheek, soothing you further.

Time begins to pass in a distorted style once again. Contact with Leon just seems to have that effect on you, it seems. Though, you can tell he's been staring quite a while at least.

"As much as I would love to sit and stare at you all night," he chuckles and reaches behind you for something. "I think it would be good for us to listen to this-- it seems important." He flips the portable cassette player in his hand, leather glove squeaking softly as he does so.

You return his smile softly, still feeling the ghost of him on your lips. "Sounds like a plan, it might tell us where the G-Virus is! That guy seemed..." You trail off, turning your head to look at the dead soldier on the ground, "important to say the least."

Leon nods in agreement, and presses play.

'Alpha to Ghost. Target moving to the West Area. Must be going to retrieve the G-Virus and antiviral agent.'

'This is Ghost. Understood. Rendezvous at Point W-3'


'This is Alpha. Arrived at destination.'

'Understood. Stand by for target.'

'This is Alpha, I’ve got eyes on the target.'

'He’s going to open the safe.'

'Roger. Awaiting the signal.'

'Got eyes on the G-Virus.'

'We’re going in…'

'Doctor Birkin, you’ll come along with us quietly.'

The recording promptly goes quiet, and Leon presses the 'Stop' button with a gentle click. He stands to his feet, looking down at you as he does so. He smiles before offering you his hand, you can feel the radiating warmth even from down on the floor.

"Ever the gentleman." You chuckle as he helps you to your feet.

"Hey, I was raised right. My mom would kill me if I didn't help you!" He laughs a little, though you can tell he probably isn't joking.

"Who's to say she'd even find out?" You question, a teasing smirk on your lips.

Leon moaned your name in grave seriousness, "you know this! Moms always find out." He shudders a little, shaking his head at some past memories-- ones that you definitely need to ask him about.

There's a sense of relief washing over the both of you. Of course, neither of you would ever think of giving voice to it, but the relief was palpable. After everything that had occurred-- everything with Ada, you acting childish, your argument, the kiss-- everything still seems mostly... normal. Of course, as normal as things can be with zombies and giant sewer monsters running amuck.

"So, West Area?" You question, rhetorically of course.

"West Area." Leon nods, raising his hand to press the terminal near you.

After pressing a small button, a catwalk begins to extend to the center of the room, hydraulics hissing alongside a light mechanical whirring. The catwalk is small and thin, but otherwise looks sturdy enough.

You take a tentative step forward, as you aren't exactly eager to fall off into the bottomless void. Though, your hunch was right-- the catwalk is surprisingly sturdy. You and Leon continue forward, hoping that things could be easy for once.

Though your hopes were dashed embarrassingly quick, as the moment Leon tried to access the bridge to the West Area, the automated voice-- almost condescendingly-- said,

"Senior Staff clearance required for bridge access."

"We can never just be able to get straight to where we need to be, can we?" You ask whatever's in the sky, groaning for an answer.

"Nope." Leon replied, strangely happy about the unfortunate circumstance.

"What's got you so chipper? This just means we're gonna be stuck in here longer." You cross your arms in frustration.

"Yeah, you're right about that," he replies, that famous grin on his face. He begins to walk towards the other terminal, before stopping next to you.

"But, that also means I get to be with you longer." He punctuates the sentiment with a quick peck to your cheek, not a care in the world about what that just did to your internal organs.

How were you supposed to concentrate in a (probable) death trap when this man in front of you is pulling games like this? You can only gape at Leon as he saunters over to the other terminal, almost oblivious to your current state.

Though, as he raised his hand to the button, you noticed that coy grin morphed into a sly smirk.

That cheeky bastard really was going to be the death of you.

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