Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News

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The only way forward is through the chained door, considering the massive explosion that just happened. Thankfully, bolt cutters rest inside a toolbox near the door.

Leon grabs hold of them, and then cuts the chain on the door with minimal effort.

"There's another door with a chain just up ahead. Can you hang onto these after that one?" He asks you, waving the cutters in the air slightly.

You nod, despite the fact those would weigh down your backpack exponentially.

You continue through the door, and immediately to your left, a zombie falls through the window. Leon acts quickly and shoots it. The shots are a bit unsteady as he was still holding the bolt cutters, but they still landed nonetheless.

In a few moments, he was down and you both approached the East Office door. You never came in here, as they were always busy in here. The environment was much different to the West Office's much more relaxed demeanor.

Leon raises the bolt cutters, and gets rid of the chain on the door handle. It falls to the floor with a gentle clatter, and he pushes it to the side with his foot.

He passes you the bolt cutters and opens the door, quickly taking aim and downing a wandering zombie. Another bangs on the window. He crashes in, and Leon once again takes him out.

You both search the room, and you find a flash grenade lying on a small table across from the window. You decide you'll give it to Leon later as you clip it to your side.

Continuing your search, Leon goes into the small office that's nestled in the corner. You approach the other entrance to the room, gazing at the chair that's locked under the door handles. You have an internal debate on whether or not to open it, and for once you come to a decision.

You opt out of opening it, and decide to shuffle through some desks instead. You find some more bandages, assessing that you must be fully stocked by now. You shouldn't need to pick anymore up.

As you search the desks, you notice a fuse resting at the end of one of them. On a haphazardly placed piece of tape, "Main Hall" is written in black ink. You keep the fuse in hand, as Leon walks out of the office holding a red valve handle.

His face is one of sheepish victory as he opens his mouth to speak.

"Look what I found! Now we can get passed the showers." He says with a smile. He pauses for a moment, however.

"Would you... mind holding this? There's another chained door on the way there, and we should probably check it out." He requests, nervousness laced through his words.

You hold up the fuse, handing it to him.

"I'll trade ya." You say with a smile, and exchange the fuse for the valve handle.

He inspects it gently, a lightbulb nearly materializes above his head as he realizes what it's for. He looks at you, asking if you're ready to go and you simply follow him out as he pulls down the chair and moves it out of the way.

Walking out, he places the fuse in the fusebox, and with a shrill 'beep' the shutter that once blocked off the Main Hall begins to lift.

"That door was back over by that first hallway we went through." He calls over his shoulder, he continues, "We'll be there in no time." He assures with a smile.

"Wait... Leon?" You request, grabbing hold of his shoulder and gently turning him around. He looks at you with wide, curious eyes.

"Can we go check on Marvin? I just wanna know how he's doing." You propose, silently pleading with him.

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