I Want A Fatal Disease, With You

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As the tension from the zombie confrontation finally fizzled out, you and Leon both decide to search the area. Walking around, you're thankful to find a green herb resting on some trash. You take out one of your last scalpels and cut a few leaves off if the plant.

Walking away, you shove the leaves in one of your hip pouches, and continue on. You glance around the room, taking notice of a switch near the iron gate.

You briefly considered lifting it, but after seeing that the water was somehow even more murky here, you opted not to. Though, you definitely had an inkling that you'd have to go that way anyway.

"Hey, Doc! There's another way over here!" Leon calls over, his voice echoing within the small concrete corridor. As you walk towards the darkness, you see Leon's silhouette standing out from the glow of his flashlight.

You walk up beside him, gaze being directed where his flashlight was pointing. There was a blue metal thing, it almost resembled a gas canister with a hole at the top. Just off behind the metal thing was a diagram. It showed a T-shaped handle being inserted into the thing, and that it can rotate once inserted.

Leon gave you a look, one as if he were asking your permission to proceed. You turn your head back towards the gate, considering your options. It was either disgusting and murky water, or there was possibly something better on the other side of this gate.

You opted for this one. Needless to say, you definitely were not getting in that water again for the time being. With a shrug of your shoulders, your bag is towards your front. In an instant, the tool is ready for Leon. He smiles wide as he grabs it from your fingers.

Smiling back at Leon, he begins to insert the tool as you speak to him.

"As much as I hate the unknown, I think I hate the water back there more." You laugh lightly as Leon turns the handle, slowly lifting the gate ahead of you.

He chuckles as well, small breaths of effort leaving his lips as he turns the handle. "That's true, I can't stand my socks being wet. Especially with this water." He shudders in disgust, making himself aware of the feeling of his soggy shoes once again.

The gate is fully lifted by now, but now that you can see some of this area... you kind of wished you took the gate.

Leon drops the tool in your bag, and takes the lead ahead of you, completely unphased by this sight.

Zipping up your bag as you cross the creaky metal catwalk you're stunned by the sight of mountains of flesh, rot and God knows what else, illuminated by a red light. The only thing worse than the sight was the smell. It smelled like rotting flesh, dirty boys locker room, and sewer.

You were used to bad smells, but this took the cake. You're surprised you haven't thrown up yet. Even more surprising though, is the fact that Leon didn't even look phased by this at all. He just kept on going, like he didn't care about... everything.

"Is it too late to take the other way?" You tentatively question, nose crinkling at the smell.

Leon turns to you, still completely unfazed by the stench of the area. "Sorry Doc, no can do. We're in too deep."

He pauses for a moment, eyebrow ticking upwards in a challenging manner, before continuing, "Unless you wanna hang out with our friend back there? If so, be my guest, but I don't think he'd be too happy about the scalpel situation." He smirks lightly, fully aware that you definitely were not about to stay back there.

"I hate you." You grumble a reply, perfectly annoyed by the smirking man. Though, as much as his joking nature lifted the mood, it wasn't enough to shake the eerie feeling that you got being in this place.

Following Leon across the creaky catwalk, you end up near a desk with a key. It didn't look very important, so you both continued forward.

Only problem was, all that lied ahead were stairs to nowhere. Of course, you hoped there would be a way of escape through here (you really did not want to go into the water again), but as luck would have it-- that wasn't an option.

So, with Leon still leading the way, you follow him back towards the area with the desk, coming face to face with a ladder. It took everything within you to not gag at the mere thought of getting in that water again, both because of the wound on your arm, but (more so) because of just how nasty it all was.

"C'mon Doc, it's just water. We'll be fine." Leon calls as he decends down the ladder, slowly inching towards the water.

Is he being serious right now??

"Leon- God, I can't even- Just think of how many diseases and infections you could get just getting a drop of that water in your shoulder!" You attempt to reason, but it clearly falls upon deaf ears as a simple splash is heard when Leon makes context with the water.

"You're worried about that when we just got done with fighting off a zombie!?" Leon's arms start flailing incredulously, somehow unable to see the danger.

"I'd really like to not end up with sepsis, or worse if we make it out alive." Your retort is met with a sigh from the man, as he raises his hand to pinch his brow.

"I understand now, but hey," he pauses to look at you, calling your name, "I'm more than confident in your ability to dress a wound. Since you've taken care of it, I haven't been worried about it getting infected for a second." He smiles at you as he says this, crossing his arms, because he knows it's working.

You were damn good at your job, and he knew it. And you knew it too.

"Plus, who knows what trouble I'll get into down here. You've saved my ass enough that I don't want you away from my side." His hands come to rest on his hips as he speaks, but he raises one to beckon you towards the water. His brow is raised in a smirk, but not one that feels cocky or malicious, just a confident one.

Leon knows you so well by now, and he knows just what buttons to push. Was that frustrating? Yeah, just a bit.

But it was just, nice to be aware of how much he knew about you, even only after a few hours with him.

Honestly, as far as zombie apocalypse partners go, Leon was probably the best you could've asked for.

With a sigh, you finally cave and begin to climb down the ladder.

"But if I start running a fever and getting chills, just know it's your fault." You shudder at the thought, feeling the grimy metal as you continue your decent towards the water.


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