Dinner Time

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"Do you have any idea what that was?" Leon questions, turning back to you.

"I wish I knew. But at the same time, I think it's better that we don't. From the glance I got of whatever it was, it looks like we don't wanna mess with that." You reply, looking him in the eyes worriedly.

He nods in agreement, and turns back to continue down the hall. At the end of the hall, just past the door, there's a makeshift barricade of boxes. You go to search the boxes for any supplies, despite the now noticeable weight in your bag.

Atop the boxes, you find a note.

"To any survivors,

"Consider this a gift for anyone still unfortunate enough to be alive.

"Keep your eyes peeled for those creepy fucks that look like they were skinned alive-- "lickers" we call em. They're blind as bats, but their hearing more than makes up for that.

"So long as you don't run around like a total idiot, guns a-blazing, you should be able to slip right by them... probably.

"Either way, make like my grandma and creep around as slow as possible around 'em, yeah?

"Anyway, not that I wanna go, but duty calls. That, and I've got a friend to avenge.


You place down the note, sucking in a breath. You try not to think about him, try not to remember all the moments you spent at his desk, with him gossiping about everyone in the station. You wouldn't have ever taken him as the type, but that man had dirt on everyone. Plus, with all his silly idioms and expressions, conversing with him was never a drag.

You missed him dearly, all of them. If only you could've said goodbye. Or just been useful enough to go with them.

Feeling yourself beginning to shake, you take a deep breath and press on, following Leon through the door.

You're both met with the West Storage Room, and its definitely seen better days. You do your best to keep from coughing upon the influx of dust that assaults your lungs.

You grab some bandages from a desk on your right and continue to search the room. You decide to take the right, while Leon takes the left.

You find some handgun bullets on a shelf, stuffingthem in your bag. You notice a glint of metal in the corner of your eye. Approaching one of the old cells, you notice the Maiden Statue inside.

"Leon! Come check it out, the Maiden Statue's in here." You call over to him, turning back to your front you realize there's no way to get it. However, there's a lot-- and you mean it when you say a lot-- of C4 attached to the bars.

"What's that about?" Leon wonders aloud, gesturing to the explosives.

"No clue, maybe she wanted to form a great escape." You joke, it wasn't really that funny, but you need something light hearted, especially after the growing realization that all of your co-workers are probably dead.

Nevertheless your joke gets a laugh out of Leon, and you honestly can't be more relieved that he appreciates your stupid sense of humor.

"Well, it needs a detonator in order for our Maiden friend over here to make her great escape," he chuckles a bit before continuing, "you wouldn't happen to know if there's one lying around here?" He asks.

"Hell if I know. If I wasn't in the morgue, I was usually hanging in the West Office with everyone. I don't even think we'd have something like that on hand." You reason with a furrowed brow.

"Looks like we gotta find one. Or make one, because I don't see any other way to get that medallion." He shrugs a bit as he says this, turning to the small table behind the two of you.

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