Troubled Words Of A Troubled Mind

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Rounding the corner, you approach a large metal door with a blindingly bright screen in the center. The screen showed a lock icon, with a red bar reading: 'Access Denied' in bright letters.

"Damn, I need one of those wristbands." You mutter to yourself, impatiently waiting for Leon to come up beside you.

As soon as Leon nears the doors, the screen flashes to say 'Access Granted'. The ground begins to shake and rumble as the door rises to the ceiling.

"For your safety, stand clear until the doors are fully open." The same robotic voice chants repeatedly.

Fuck that. You walk forward, ducking under the 1st door and approaching the 2nd. That door begins to slowly rise as well, causing the ground to quake even more.

"Shouldn't you do what she says and wait? Just in case you get hurt or something?" Leon asks worriedly, only following behind you after the first door was completely open.

"I'll be fine." You reply cooly, ducking under the 2nd door. It's not his fault, you know it isn't. You know you're acting childish and being incredibly unfair to him, but you're just feeling... everything right now. It's too overwhelming.

As you wait for the 3rd door to rise, the mechanism begins to spark, causing the once smooth lift of the door to become jagged and rigid. Once the door is high enough, you duck under the final door to be greeted with a waiting room.

As soon as you walk in, the robotic voice chimes "Welcome to NEST." The lights flicker on, and you're nearly blinded by them. The stark white interior of this room is so strange after mucking around in the sewers and being stuck in the station for so long.

"Enjoy your visit." She chimes, as Leon walks in behind you. He seems just as disoriented as you did.

It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust, but the minute they do, you can't help but feel awestruck with the sight. The clean and futuristic interior of this place was nothing short of jarring, and it gave you a great sense of unease. This place looked nearly untouched, despite the fact this is where the virus was created.

"Okay... I wonder where the G-Virus is." Leon thinks out loud, glancing around the room as he approaches the receptionist desk.

The virus that took away your friends, co-workers, home, and your life, was created here.

You feel a sense of rage bubble up inside you, and you need to go somewhere else to cool down. The last hour has been incredibly brutal for your state of mind, and you truly don't know how much more you can endure tonight.

You quickly notice a room off to the side, near a black leather couch. You make a beeline for it, quickly ducking inside the room without a second thought.

"Doc, where are you going!?" Leon calls from the desk, following you into the room. He swings open the door to

"I'm just looking around for anything useful. I'll be fine." You reply as you grab a small, battery operated flashlight from a desk, completely littered with empty boxes and tons of loose paper. Looking around the room, the entirety of it was incredibly messy.

Maybe this place wasn't as untouched as you thought.

You click the flashlight on. Turns out, the tiny thing helps a fair bit when it comes to illuminating the room. It wasn't nearly as impressive as Leon's, but it did the job.

You turn off the flashlight, tucking it in your pants pocket and continue to look around, with Leon approaching the computer in any attempt to turn it on.

"I doubt that thing works." You tell him from the back corner of the room, as you look at the sign indicating there's a restroom in here. You hear Leon sigh, and you turn to look at him.

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