Kong felt embarrassed and happy at the same time, with mixed feelings, and the joy he felt when he came was gone.

"You are the chef of Samsung Food Store, do your job well." Kong said to Feiyu with his lips raised.

"Thank you." Fei Yu said with a smile.

Because Fei Yu later settled in the Yan tribe, Kong regained his energy and said, "Although our tribe is a two-star tribe, it will definitely give you more benefits than the Xiao tribe and Rou tribe." "

Oh?" Fei? Yu pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Kong Dao: "The Xiao tribe and the Rou tribe will give their tribe's three-star spiritual chef a large piece of land, and I will also give you a large piece of land. And it's not the same as those two tribes, just for their three-star spiritual chef to use. I really give you that piece of land. From now on, the land will be yours. Even if I want to use it, I have to get your consent and pay for the beast coins."

Kong's generosity was indeed beyond Fei Yu's expectation, and he reciprocated the favor. He would not really ask the other party to give him all the open space in the Yan tribe. Fei Yu thought for a moment and bought the restaurant and the nearby land that he had long valued.

This was a little less than Kong expected. He was very satisfied with Fei Yu's knowledge and continued: "From now on, all your food stores will be under your control."

This made Fei Yu happier than giving away the land. If a store is built in a tribe, the tribal leader has the right to manage it. The implication is that no one but himself is qualified to intervene in Fei Yu's food store from now on. Including the Lingchu Management Office, the House Management Office, and the tribal leader Kong.

"The Tribe's ingredients are the first to be chosen by the Samsung Food Store. No other food store can snatch them. The ingredients brought from the hunting area can only be used by the Three Star Tribe." "

From now on, you are the boss of the Lingchu Management Office. You can take care of all the spiritual chefs who belong there..."

Kong said a lot in one breath. There were many benefits, big and small, but not many that could make Fei Yu's heart move. Overall, what makes Fei Yu most satisfied is freedom.

After seeing Kong off, Fei Yu thanked the orcs for their congratulations and turned back to the room. Seriously speaking, he didn't feel too much about the restaurant becoming a three-star restaurant. He was not as surprised as the orcs who came to eat. Seeing his employees sleepwalking with smiles on their faces, Fei Yu truly believed that their ability to endure was a bit low. However, a few days later, he was slapped in the face.

A bit cheerful and willing to be beaten.

Feiyu experienced the charm of Samsung Food Store firsthand.

The day after the restaurant became a three-star restaurant, all the chefs from the Yan tribe came to congratulate the restaurant in person. Regardless of whether they had a grudge or not, who originally wanted to curry favor with Fei Yu, or who were jealous beyond recognition and originally wished he would be killed as soon as possible, they all came to the door with a cautious and flattering smile.

"Master Yu, from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were the most powerful spiritual chef." "

Master Yu, I like to eat the food you cook the most. If I can't eat the food you cook, I would rather starve to death." !"

"Master Yu, you are not only great at cooking, but you are also very good at teaching your disciples. As for that Wu, I have been a spiritual chef for so long, and the food you cook is not as delicious as him."

✓ I open a restaurant in YuanWhere stories live. Discover now