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☆ 43. Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Sensing the movement of the sleeping dragon and snake in the space, Fei Yu immediately returned to the room and sank all his mental power into the space to check.

As a result, he did not see his figure in the sleeping position dedicated to the dragon snake.

No, where did the big beast go? Is it possible that it can disappear out of thin air?

Fei Yu was startled and immediately launched an all-round search in the space. Then, he discovered a deep, narrow pit next to the clear river.

Fei Yu curiously took a look at the pit probe, and then came face to face with a huge butt covered with black and gold scales that looked extremely sharp.

The beast's butt was a little higher, and a thick tail was bent at 60 degrees, and the tip of the tail was firmly inserted into the wall of the pit.

...looks shaky.

Fei Yu simply used his mental power to scan the entire pit, and his guess was immediately confirmed -

not only was there movement in the big dragon and snake that he had previously sensed, but the perceived content was even a bit conservative. It wasn't just a slight movement, but a very, very huge movement. I dont know what the big dragon snake did, but it actually came from a distance of a thousand meters to the river and smashed a deep hole in the ground with its head.

Because he used too much force, he fell headfirst into the pit like a green onion. Then, when his head was on the verge of hitting the ground, he dug his tail into the pit wall to save himself and avoided falling out.

The eyes of the dragon and snake were tightly closed. I don't know if he has regained consciousness and fell asleep due to exhaustion, or if he is still in a coma and has not woken up.

Regardless of the situation, Feiyu's top priority is to pull out the big dragon snake that is stuck in the pit and cannot get out.

this is very simple.

Fei Yu snapped his fingers, and the wood-type power was activated. Several tough vines appeared out of thin air, and quickly twisted into a strong vine rope in mid-air. Following Fei Yu's command, it instantly wrapped around the body of the big dragon snake at the bottom of the pit several times. . After tying the big dragon snake, Fei Yu controlled the other end of the rattan rope and tied it to a dead tree trunk that seemed to have withered. He flicked a wisp of wood power into the withered spiritual plant called Dali Zhi, and Dali Zhi immediately emerged. With bursts of inconspicuous gray-yellow light, the big dragon snake was lifted out of the pit with a "swish".

He manipulated the vines to gently put the dragon snake back into place. The vines immediately turned back into green energy and got back into Fei Yu's body.

Fei Yu couldn't help but feel a hint of wonder in his eyes as he looked at Dalong Snake's fully restored body.

His body no longer had the slenderness and flexibility of a snake, but instead became exceptionally strong and powerful. The neck is slender, the limbs are strong and powerful, the claws are as sharp as knives, and the slightly opened and closed mouth is filled with two rows of white jagged teeth, glowing coldly, making people terrified just by looking at it.

Fei Yu touched the edge of the black-gold scales of the big dragon snake, and his fingertips were immediately scratched and bleeding.

After sucking off the blood beads, Fei Yu couldn't help but think with envy that he would definitely replace the dragon and snake's scales when they fell off. This would be much easier to use for chopping vegetables and meat than using a stone knife or a bone knife.

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