"We don't have to do shit just because you want something doesn't mean you are going to get it." Faith snapped at him making him look scared right about now knowing what she can do when you piss her off.

Wednesday moved up to Faith and put her hand on her lower back trying to calm her down a little before glaring at Xavier.  for Making Faith mad, for some reason, she didn't like to see the girl mad. She likes the calm and happier verse of her.

"why'd you two come out to the old meeting house in the first place?" Xavier tied his luck and asked the question anyway thinking Faith won't do anything in front of Wednesday.

"I was trying to learn more about Crackstone and fight out how he's connected to all this," Wednesday tells him in a tone of voice that sounds annoyed at him.

"yeah, and you were trying to use your psychic abilities right,"

"What makes you think I have any," Wednesday questioned him. not liking the fact he knew about it the same thing Miss Weems knew about it.

"lucky guess. when did they start?"

"about a year ago when they happen it feels like I'm touching live wire. I usually enjoy that sensation."

"yeah, but you can't control it and that freaks you out. my dad's a psychic"

"Vincent Thorpe. my brother's his number one fan. watched his Vegas special so many times I'm surprised it's not imprinted on his eyeballs," Wednesday comments

"so I've lived with a self-described master. the first thing he'll tell you is that psychic visions can't be trusted. they only show you one part of the picture,"

"I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me as clearly as I'm seeing you now. he gathered all the outcasts in the meeting house and then burned them alive."

"Okay, so he was a sadistic asshole. so what, it was 400 years ago. it's got nothing to do with now,"

"but what if it does? you saw Rowan's drawing. Crackstone was standing in the quad,"

"you're creating a story in your head and using visions to back it u[. they're telling you what you want to see."

"Can you just shut the fuck up, your word is meanless and you don't think about anything  of how something can happen,"

"what do you mean" Wednesday questioned in a soft tone not trying to make Faith madder than Xavier had.

"resurrection or it is someone who is related to crackstone."

"no one can't bring back the dead" Xavier scoffed.

"you can't but I know of many people who have come back from the dead. I am working on spells to do just that"

"so are you saying you're going to bring him back then"

"And you're just a dumbass. no, I just have people I want back in my life. and like the rest of my family, I will do anything for the people I love, and I do not care about what I have to do to get my way,"

"so what your just evil then"

"good and evil such terms mean nothing. people do what is in their best interest. and unlike you, I'm not afraid to say that or do what needs to be done," Faith says before walking off back to town.

before Wednesday can follow Faith away from Xavier he stops her from moving. by grabbing her wrist.

"you know you should stay away from her. She is a monster." Xavier stated 

"Like you have the right to tell me who I can hang out with whoever I want. do you understand me?"

"you don't understand Wednesday I'm trying to help you," Xavier before Wednesday cut him off

why do you have i thing for faith" Wednesday questioned

"I do not have a thing for her, are you out of your mind."

" you do"

"I do not like her at all"

"I never said it was a romantic thing for her. now what do you have against her," Wednesday said sounding done with him " And I will be checking this with her later so don't think about lying to me"  Wednesday warmed him.

"it was one day in fencing class. faith needed to leave early for who knows what. knowing her it was nothing good." Xavier started to explain getting cut off by Wednesday

"if you are going to just try to bad mouth her right I will walk away. just go with what happened,"

"ok sorry. So as I was saying she was leaving class early and Bianca couldn't beat her in fencing so she got in Faith's way trying to push her into challenging her again. faith just ask her to move out of her way. Bianca didn't like the fact and attacked faith.  making faith lose her control and she attacks random people and I was one of them," Xavier tells Wednesday with the first bit buying the trust of what happened and the last bit being a lie.

to this, Wednesday nods her head turns and walks back to Jericho by herself. considered faith was nowhere to be seen.

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